Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Education Rant

    So I know this is late but I was tired today and then had a dinner engagement with a friend. Does that mean I'm any less fired up about education than I was this morning? Hell no, and there will be just as much swearing as if I had done this in the morning. Yes folks this will be a rant much like Saturday's was but on the topic of education. I'm not pulling any punches, and this has been brewing for a while. For those who were hoping for an essay today, well that should be back next week.

    So first and foremost we'll start in my own backyard with that jackass of a governor we have in Maine Paul LePaige. This dumb fuck wants the local governments to pay for the majority of the education costs instead of it being the state like it is supposed to be followed by the federal government and then the local government. He also bucks the federal government any chance he gets on anything. No matter how little it is. If they say no he goes ahead and does it anyways whether it is legal or not. He is a complete fucking moron.

    Now down and over to Arizona where their dumb fuck governor thinks it is ok to keep cutting money from education period. Even from the universities. He is on this notion that education is not about the money. I got news for him it is about the fucking money you dumb fucking moron, We are out spent in this fucking country but just about every other fucking country beating us in the education race and then wonder why we are behind in educational development. Gee I wonder why. Maybe because they fucking spend more on fucking education in the furst fucking place. It gives you better books and tools to work with and attracts better fucking people to the profession. It also allows for smaller fucking classes and more one on one time with kids. Plus newer innovations in teaching. Maybe we should be taling some pages out of fucking Europe's book on education for once.

    There is an old saying and I forget who said it but it goes, to make money you have to spend money. And education is just that. The smarter you workers are coming out of just fucking high school the more productive and competent they will be in the work place. We also need to make higher education more affordable for those jobs because the population ain't getting any younger and it is not fair to make them pay super high prices for education when you didn't. You want good worker you have to educate them plain and fucking simple. Then you have to pay them good whether you like it or not. But that is a rant for another fucking time.

    Stop trying to make America stupid and start trying to make it smart with investments in education you stupid fucking Republicans. You keep trying to hurt the poor and the children, and help only those well off. We have to grow together in education it can't be only one group. Now stop being dumb fucks and get to funding education properly or go sit in the corner with the dunce caps on that is if we have enough corners for all of you undermining education. *Tips hat and walks out the door towards the library steam coming out of his ears.*

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts on this rant. You are spot on with education. Spending should never be cut when it comes to education. So many people talk about how Americans are not as intelligent as citizens of other countries but no one talks about the fact that these other countries actually invest in education. I could go on for days on this topic but I will just leave it at that.

    Good day kind sir.

    Kyanna K.
