Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday Reflection: I Was Having A Good Day Too

    So I took yesterday off because I didn't like how my remembrance of Leonard Nimoy turned out, and I woke up this morning and got my coffee. I was having a pretty good day as I was sipping my coffee, scrolling over Facebook, and then I see Westboro is going to picket Leonard Nimoy's Funeral. And there went my good mood from happy and content to pissed off. As soon as I read it I wanted to walk into their compound and beat the shit out of each and every one of them.

    Now I know they have the right of free speech and the freedom to assemble. But this is Leonard Nimoy, beloved figure of Star Trek fans all over the world. And in general a great human being. What the hell is their problem? Leonard Nimoy is an icon of Science Fiction. Do they hate Science Fiction? Are they against any famous person having a funeral with just their fans and family as well as friends present? I swear if they picket my funeral I'm getting up out of the coffin walking over taking the first sign I see and beating them stupid with it. If they are even still standing there after seeing a dead guy get up out of a coffin. I mean most people would run screaming into the streets, though I'm not so sure about these loons. They might just start calling me the Messiah or the Antichrist not sure which.

    OK I feel better after venting a bit, and I do apologize for the rant but it was really bothering me. Now I can get back to having a good day, and doing some serious reflecting. I know I'm only 33, but I also know my end can come at any time. So I have started thinking about my final wishes and how I want to be buried and things such as this. I don't want people to cry over me as much as can be helped. I want them throwing a party and sharing memories of me as well as getting to know those that they don't already know since everyone in my life is special, and good people to know. In my vision of it all I would have stuck around for the party to see everyone happy together and sharing warm memories. I've been thinking about this for a while in the back of my mind, just as I'm starting to feel myself get older and seeing those around me getting older I know I have to start panning for the inevitable.

    I still plan to make my mark on the literary world at the very least. I have other plans as well. Those will be revealed as time goes on and they get closer to happening. One thing is for sure my blog will always be part of it and words are part of my life however long it goes on. I already know who will carry it on too. I'm pretty sure he will have my gift for words as well as my passion for them. Though he is more of a visual person. I'll reveal who in the future though some already know who I'm referring too.

    I started writing this entry earlier in the morning of today and it took me all day to write it. One of those days when I just can't get my ass in gear. Normally in the more recent past I've been able to get the entries out by early afternoon. I've been trying to start the entries as soon as I wake up and get my coffee started. I'm working on getting myself into a routine. Just taking so much time and can be frustrating at times when it doesn't go like I want it to. But I'll keep trying because I'm determined to succeed.

    Tomorrow we will have another experiment with Monday maybe another Monday Blah or possibly something else. I have something rolling around in my head to try that might work better than Blah for a title. Also expect an essay on Tuesday and Wednesday we will be discussing Sylvia Stein. Thursday I'll be discussing discovering the internet and I'm not sure what the prompt will be yet. But that gives you an idea of some of what to expect for the week while still leaving some surprises. For now my stomach is growling so I will bit you adieu. *Tips hat and heads for the kitchen looking for something for dinner.*

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