Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Imagining The Days Of The Week As People

    As I sit here writing this my computer is still in the shop. But today we are going to do something interesting. We are going to try and turn the days of the week into living breathing characters. This is a challenge I've been looking forward to since discovering the prompt on Pinterest. Yes you heard right I finally caved and got a Pinterest Account. So far it's pretty good and I've enjoyed it a lot, despite thinking I wouldn't. But without further ado on with the show.


Imagining The Days Of The Week As People
    We often walk through the days of the week without giving I much thought. But what if you interacted with the days of the week as people each time their day popped up. How would they appear or act or even sound? Would they be friendly or not? Today we explore that exact thing. We'll start at Monday and go to Sunday to show that the week is a diverse cast of characters both good and bad.
    With Monday people are never happy to see her so she tends to be crabby and anti-social. She also has that just rolled out of bed look, and complaining of having to go to work. And is grumpy even when the work day is over and just wanting to go home. Not wanting to cook anything complicated either. If you are going over to her house on her day expect to eat something simple.
    Tuesday has always been a complicated day, feeling more like the nice day to start the week. He always shows up on time to work in a bit of a happy mood to be there. Wearing a suit or just in general looking neat and nice. He works hard and happily always looking for places to help out. And is happy when the day ends and even offers to hang out at someplace like a coffee shop after work. When he finally goes home he'll look through his recipes and through together whatever looks good for the night.
    Now Wednesday can be an obnoxious prick at points in the day with his guess what day it is jokes. But he is just trying to boost morale that may have fallen as the week has worn on. He is dressed a bit more flamboyantly than normal trying to impress the ladies, especially if he is single. Even trying to work harder to impress everyone and invigorate everyone to work harder as well. By the end of the day everyone either wants to hang out with him or shoot him on sight. It's a 50/50 shot with him on any given week. So he'll ether go out with the work crew and grab a bite to eat or grab take out on the way home.
    Thursday is just dragging from all the energy the rest of the week and while still be dressed nicely she'll kind of drag through the work day despite trying her hardest to be chipper and upbeat. She gives it her all and is friendly with the work crew and customers. But the week is getting to her. If only it were the end of the week she'll be thinking. She'll go home and have leftovers most likely nothing special.
    When Friday hits she is excited for the end of the work week. And if company policy is allowing of it she is wearing those tight sexy jeans to show off her curves. As well as be more comfortable in her own skin. She'll flirt here and there and ask people what they are doing after work. She'll work super hard and be super happy and friendly all day. When the end of the day comes it is out to dinner and then partying all night.
    As Saturday comes crashing in he is waking up with a hangover and wondering what the hell hit him. He'll wake up and get some coffee to help wear away the hangover then make breakfast. Then it is off to household chores and projects he has been putting off throughout the week. But when the sun goes down he is grilling and throwing a massive party at his place long into the night.
    Sunday slowly creepy in and she is feeling a bit guilty for all of her partying and think it might be a good day to be spiritual. So she makes some coffee, again for the hangover. Then makes a big breakfast and has more coffee with it as well as juice. Then spends the day doing spiritual things depending on her faith. Around noon she makes dinner and invites the whole family over so they can feast. They spend the afternoon together talking and watching sports as well as playing games. When nighttime comes they eat a light meal as they are still fairly full from the noontime meal and have some coffee before heading home to start the week all over again.
    As you can see the week has a diverse cast of characters and they are well to do. They all have their little quirks and moods and eating habits. Be interesting to see them play out in just the right story together. But that is another thing for another time. We all have been a day of the week at some point in our lives or are different days in different parts of our lives. What day are you on right now?
    I hope you enjoyed the essay. Did I get the days right do you think? Let me know in the comments below. Hope to see you back tomorrow when we are in the library. *Tips his hat and goes in search of sugar.*

1 comment:

  1. I can't get over the fact that the Monday description sounds almost exactly like my personality. Hahaha. Very creative post Chris. :P
