Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Drunk Drivers

    Fair warning folks I'm about to go on a rant. Remember you were warned. So earlier in the week a good friend of a good friend was killed in a hit and run accident. Well come to find out it was done by a drunk driver claiming to have never seen the poor woman. This is the latest in a series of drunk driving accidents that I have seen pop up on my newsfeed in Facebook. And it is really pissing me off. I have nothing against people going out and getting drunk. That is not my issue.

    My issue is with those people that then choose to get in there car after doing so. How hard is it to save enough money out to get a cab home? Or have a designated driver even on a rotating basis? Or just go to a bar in walking distance from your house? I mean really it I not worth the risk to your car let alone other people for you to drive home drunk. Is it really worth possibly spending the rest of your life in prison for?

    But no they don't think of that all they think about is I want to get home, and they jump in their car. I really want to know what it will take to make these people not do this. Because it is stupid and reckless. So you get lucky so many times getting home after drinking. It only takes one time to wreck a family's life and yours at the same time. Then you're all like I'm so sorry. Well you should have thought of the consequences before you got behind the wheel. Hell before you even picked up the first drink.

    For those that can't find a designated driver or afford a cab just go buy your alcohol and drink at home. You'll still get drunk and can invite friends or whoever you want over. Can crank the stereo and be your own DJ and watch whatever you want on your huge television. Plus you avoid fights at the bar with strangers. And if you get the munchies all you have to do is order take out. After all drunk cooking is not a good idea either.

    We should not still be dealing with this 28 years after I learned about it. We should have matured enough as a species to handle our liquor responsibly. And yes I know a new group comes into the drinking age party every year but they should have been taught better by now. We all know teens drink it is no secret. I don't want teens being punished for drinking. I want them punished for driving drunk with a heavy hand. They need to learn at a young age like they did as toddlers what is ok and not ok. It is fucking ridiculous that we treat alcohol up till a certain age as bad. We need to focus on being responsible with it and how we act when we use it.

    And maybe we need to make a registry for drunk drivers so they can't buy cars and take their cars away when they get caught a certain number of times. Or for a certain amount of time per offense and then totally after a certain number of offenses. After all we were always taught if you can't play responsibly with your toys you don't get to have them. All I know is that this needs to stop before it drives me insane, well more insane then I already am as a writer. Thank you for listening to this PWR (Pissed Writer Rant). *Tips hat and walks out the door looking for a punching bag.*


  1. I see that you have a serious concern with drunk driving. Well, I have to agree with the things you said because drunk driving is a matter that should really be taken seriously. Drinking comes with a responsibility that every individual should take care of. Yes, we may be up for the good times, but we must also know how to limit ourselves, especially when we will be driving. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, right? In any way, thanks for sharing that, Christopher! All the best to you!

    Natashia Khan @ Waukesha Criminal Attorneys

  2. I'm sorry for what happened to your friend, Christopher. It's true that we cannot blame alcohol on a situation like this, because it’s up to the person to be responsible enough when drinking. Youngsters nowadays should really be taught about how to be liable for their actions whenever they go out for a drink, specially when they have to drive home after, because accidents caused by drunk driving destroy lives on both ends of the victim and driver. I hope posts like this will help bring more awareness to people. Thanks for sharing!

    Eliseo Weinstein @ JRs Bail Bond

  3. It is never a good idea to drink and drive, so I know how important it is to get legal help for when you deal with this yourself. It is important to be working with an attorney who is specific to this type of work and is going to be able to help out in the most professional way possible.

    Faith Brady @ KHunterLaw
