Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Renting Out The School

    I know I'm running late today and I'm sorry, but I slept late today. Today we are going to examining renting out a school. In this case one of my two high schools from when I was a teen. Though this one might come up again down the road in regards to renting out my university. And I encourage you to pick a school or university and think about how much you would pay to rent it out for the weekend yourself. But without further ado on with the show.

Renting Out High School For The Weekend
    To start off with I went to two high schools as a teenager so I will have to begin with picking between the two. As much as I want to go with Gorham High it is hard to get to for some people, since there is no public transportation out to there. So I will have to go with Portland High since it has public transportation to it and is near the airport in Portland as well as two bus stations.
    Next comes the hard part of determining just how much I should pay for using the school for a weekend. First you have to figure in that the school is like four floors plus a parking section in the garage next door. And in those four floors there are computer labs, multiple types of gyms, a fully stocked and working cafeteria, and an auditorium. Plus all of the classrooms to work with though you have to bring your own bedding. And we will assume they are throwing in all the utilities as well.
    Plus you are going to have around a thousand people ranging in ages from baby to around 60 something at this get together. So there will be some rowdiness but not like at a college frat party. Even though there is social drinking allowed at the get together. Anyone getting wasted will be ejected to their sleeping quarters and asked to go home the next day. But those things do figure into the cost equation.
    And we will be using the food on site which as I remember it was pretty good. So that is also a factor. But we also will be picking up after ourselves so that helps and since the trash is an included utility that goes with the cost. Plus we have some outside area for smokers since there is no smoking inside the building.
    Factoring all that in and thinking of it being on a long weekend I'd say it should be around $10,000.00 to $10,500.00. But that doesn't factor in discounts we might get or deals that could be cut with the city. That is just straight out what it is worth. And I'm probably way off in one direction or another. But that is the best I can come up with based on my thinking with no research and since the city doesn't normally rent out the school to my knowledge. Though think how cool it would be if you could party in your old high school. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of dinner.*

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