Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Inspired From The News

    I know you were expecting a book review, and I hope you are not too terribly disappointed. But I was listening to The New York Times and got inspired by the good news I was hearing as well as the bad news I was hearing. So bear with me for this week. I will get around to that book review don't worry. I just haven't rambled properly in a good long while.

    First I heard that it seems in Massachusetts if I remember hearing right, that medical workers are being trained and taking out homeless and poor people with Diabetes shopping. As well as giving them warm clothing to wear to prevent frostbite. And dealing with eviction notices all as if they were medical emergencies. It brought me hope that this nation might finally starting to address the poor and homeless as human beings and not mere inconveniences. That they might be starting to work more consciously towards helping them on another level. Instead of waiting for them to come to them they are going out and finding them and helping them. I do hope this keeps spreading and multiplying as the year goes on. I know it costs taxpayers money but it is money well spent on helping our fellow human beings. One day we may not have any homeless at the very least and maybe not anyone struggling as much as some do now. I can dream at least.

    Second the courts seem to be taking the legislatures in states more to task now on funding schools properly. I applaud them for doing their jobs and keeping the legislatures and governors in check. As for those who complain I remind them that the courts were established not just for law & order so that we could punish criminals. But that their main purpose is to keep the Legislative and Executive Branches in check. The courts are now acting to make sure laws are right and proper as well as funding whether people like it or not. They are doing what their job is meant to do.

    Why is it that we will jump at the chance to fund a way but when someone suggests raising taxes to fund education or knowledge or even fixing the roads we balk? Do we not value or country looking nice and our citizens being smart? There are some in this country who would rather our citizens be dumber and we can't allow that to happen. Like it or not Reagan was wrong to cut taxes as drastically as he did and even he saw that which is why he started raising them again while in office. The bottom line is we have to raise taxes the rich. They have more money than they know what to do with and are not paying their fair share into the government. They pay less than the middle class does because of loop holes in the tax system. It is time to reform our tax system so those loop holes are gone. And perhaps create a new tax bracket as Warren Buffet championed for the uber wealthy. So that we can take proper care of our country and fund our school like they should be among other things.

    And I don't mean raise taxes on the middle class either let's get that straight right now. For some reason every time someone hears tax increases they think it means them. And for some reason the citizens in some states think we spend too much. If we do it is on defense in my opinion which out spends the whole budget and every military far more than it should in peace time. It seems to me some are always planning for us to go off to war which is wrong. It is high time we change our economy from being the world's arms dealer to being something more useful and less destructive.

    This is why I plow ahead with my education. This is why I want to write and teach and be a politician. To help steer this country in a better direction where everyone can be prosperous. Where everyone can be happy as they should be at whatever they do and live somewhat comfortably be they rich, middle class, or poor. I've had enough of corporations trampling over everyone in their why including their workers just to make a few cents more profits. Enough is enough this country was founded for the people by the people. Not by corporations for corporations. *Tips hat and kicks open the door walking out it still ranting and raving.*


  1. Very interesting view points Chris. I love that you are so open about politics. Many people shy away from the subject. There needs to be some major changes in our country. It is such a shame that people are so convinced that we need to be at war with each other over b.s. that doesn't even matter and this country is being ran into the ground. Every one complains about it and no one actually gets up and does something about. Nice blog.

    1. I try to be as open as I can be all the time about everything. You are welcome to ask me anything you want on Google Plus
