Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday Insights: One Spark Of Happiness

    I know it's early but I slept almost all day yesterday, and I can't sleep anymore. Plus I've got thoughts to put to paper starting with here and then on to school work. Today's prompt is about memories and what if you got to choose just one of them to bottle. Like a perfume of sorts. What would it smell like and how often would you smell it. A question not asked in the prompt but I wonder is if it could become addictive? All this we will explore today. So without further ado on with the show.

One Spark Of Happiness
    The first thing that comes to mind are the lyrics, "If I could put time in a bottle," by Jim Croce as I sit down to write this. Since in a sense I'm bottling time up. But only in a sense. There are so many memories to choose from. Some painful as they are happy. I think I will cheat this one time and instead of one memory I will bottle two. There are two times in my life that I have been extremely happy and felt at one with another person.
    The first is the summer of 1999 when I was last with my first girlfriend, Maria and we opened our hearts and souls to each other. We had no real fan so the windows were constantly open letting the breeze in. It was a slow breeze, bringing the scent of the trees out front of the building into the apartment. We'd lay on the bottom of the bunk bed and talk for hours just cuddling. As the music played on the stereo. We went to movies as well. Though I can't remember which ones. But for me the memory would mainly be the scent of the trees in the breeze bringing me back to those days we talked and cuddled.
    The second memory is even more important and special to me. It is the birth of my son. This one is already bottled up though to a point, every time I smell clean laundry. That was the strongest smell I can remember that day. And every time I smell it I hear him scream loud as a banshee as he comes into the world. He was not a happy camper. That and I remember my right hand throbbing at having felt like it was broken. I'm still pretty sure it was, but that is just my opinion. All three of us spent three days in the hospital bonding and talking. Well me and his mom talking as he slept, but you get the idea. I thought everything would be ok from that point on.
    Memories have the power to lift up or drop down, so better to choose to remember good times to help lift you up when times are not so good. We've all had good and bad memories it is just which ones you choose to dwell on that will determine how well they can or cannot help you. You've seen two of the most important to me, what are a couple of yours, if you don't mind sharing. Right now I'm in a happy place having gone down memory lane. *Tips hat and walks out the door searching for breakfast.*

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