Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Libraries Or Post Offices

    So once more we dive into essays and this time it has to do with libraries and post offices. Also on an important side note my computer is acting up and going into the shop today, so my plans for the rest of the week might be delayed possibly. Just a heads up in case something goes wrong. I'm hoping it is just something that can be simply fixed, but we will see. So right now backing up files as I write this and making sure everything is in order for when I take my computer into the shop. But on a brighter note I'm on vacation from school this week and got a B+ in my last class. So overall it's been pretty good. But without further ado on with the show.


Libraries Shall Survive Long After The Post Office
    So today we look at which will last longer libraries or post offices. I can tell you with certainty that libraries will be running ling after post offices have gone extinct. That does not mean we will not be getting packages, letters, and maybe even junk mail. It just means it won't be done by the post office anymore. Libraries on the other hand will still be doing what they have been doing for centuries as well as more long after that has happened. Changes are already happening in both areas heading towards this future as we speak.
    First and foremost independent contractors are doing more of the package delivery than the post office every year. While the post office is doing less business every year in general forcing it to raise prices more and more. This causes it to lose more and more business each year slowly. Though not in the junk mail department somehow. Eventually independent contractors will take over completely when prices get too high for people to put up with and other means of dealing with certain things become the normal way of doing business.
    On the other side we have seen libraries modernize in the 1990s with computers and internet. They have even started lending out eBooks now as well as ereaders. They also have made space for people to come in with their own devices and use the library's Wi-Fi. In addition to having the most up to date magazines and newspapers for people to read as well as a huge collection of books in most libraries as well as graphic novels now and comic books. The library is constantly modernizing and going with the flow to keep itself current and useful. They only charge with fines unless they are selling old books that have been updated in the collection.
    Furthermore the modern library has been around longer than the modern post office as well. The modern post office as clear as I can figure as been around since maybe the 1800s with the modern library being around at least in the 1600s if not earlier. I'm sure my Historian Friend, Jeni Kirby, will correct me on that with a more detailed year in the comments. But I'm confident it will show that the library is older than the post office. Since before the post office it was couriers and the pony express delivering mail to everyone, which is what it will basically go back to being eventually in a sense.
    I also know I will get people saying that there have been prediction of the downfall of the post office before and they were wrong. I'm not saying when anything will downfall just which will outlast the other and that the foundation for it happening is already in place. It could be decades before one goes extinct for all I know. I have an idea of when but that is not the argument I'm here to make. The argument is which will outlast the other.
    In the end libraries were here first and serve a more diversified purpose than the post office. In the end the libraries will be here long after the post office has vanished. They have stood the test of time through centuries of change and innovation much like the books they hold. They may change shape and how they share the books but they will still be here long after the post office is gone. Think of it like this which would you rather do go get a book for free or even sit and relax reading for free. Or would you want to open a box to junk mail and bills on a daily basis. *Tips hat and walks out the door to go get coffee.*

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