Thursday, March 12, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Maria

    Ok so I'm fairly on time today after sleeping most of the day away for some unknown reason. I'm hoping I'm not getting a Spring Cold. I was also working on editing my scholarship essay as well. It is that time of year again for me when I have to be working on student aid. So I will be doing a little more writing on things other than my works in progress for a week or so. So bear with me I will be getting stuff out on time just might require me to work a little over time to get it done.

    But today we are talking about my first real girlfriend as a teenager, Maria, who was my first everything really. And granted we weren't always on the best of terms all the time. We had our fights and our issues. But we talked them out and she mostly got her way. We also talked in general more in the later years. In the earlier years it was more about making out I'll be honest. We were young and passionate and eager to explore each other. Though we went places still. Mostly the movies, and even there we made out but still watched the movie a bit.

    As we got older and went apart and back together we talked more and shared more with each other though in hindsight it appears more from me than her to me. But I may be wrong. As those moments got deeper and deeper for me I felt like our souls became one almost. It was a truly deep experience for me. I was her first everything and no I won't go into details. But slowly we drifted apart to a point.

    Though we still have a bond it isn't the same as back then. Though I find myself missing her at times I will admit, but I've already tried traveling back down that road and been told no as well as told why. But we have our bond and can still talk about anything which is good. I'd rather have her as a friend than nothing at all. Maybe this is part of the problem with having a heart as big as mine. I'm not really sure.

    But it is what it is, and I still have cherished memories, and I will always be here when she need help. A knight in shining beat up armor that is what I am. I keep my armor polished and hammer out the dents though you can still see where they have been. I'll come riding to the rescue always, that's just who I am. I'll never leave a damsel in distress, nor turn my back on an innocent. It woud be against my nature to do such a thing. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of a snack.*