Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Jim Butcher

     I know I'm early it's such a surprise. But midnight passed me by as I was sitting up sipping my Coke and Rum. So I figured I would get a jump start on the day as long as I was up and write my blog entry for the day. Hopefully today is the day I get my computer back, but no guarantees. Not even sure I will sleep tonight, but oh well. I'm getting used to these sleepless nights which is a scary thing. But I was always a night owl.
    So today we are talking about famed bestselling author Jim Butcher author of the series The Dresden Files, and the series Codex Alera. Plus a forthcoming novel starting a new series in September. He is a busy, busy writer. Some of where he gets his world building ability is from Dungeons & Dragons, which he still plays to this day. Yes despite looking like a Hollywood badass he is a geek at heart. But he does enjoy the outdoors more than some of us.
The first series he started out with, The Dresden Files, was originally set in Kansas, but his writing teacher said he had to have a better known setting so he looked at the globe. He knew New York was overdone and he didn't like Los Angeles so he settles on Chicago. And he has never regretted it since despite all the research he has to do at times. It has in some ways become like a second home to him at times. He outlines the series to be twenty books with an apocalyptic trilogy to conclude it. So far we are on book 15 with a book 16 forthcoming. I'm always eager to read them when they come out like a pizza hot out of the oven. He puts Harry through pure hell as we follow him first on his private detective jobs as a wizard and then more as a wizard than a private detective.
The second series he came out with Codex Alera is rumored to have been on a bet in a writing chat room. He basically said that he could write a series on three things and was given Pokemon, The Lost Roman Legion, and the Civil War I believe it was. Out of those three things we were given an amazing six book series that I still have yet to finish. I'm working on it though.
And all I know about this third series is that it is supposed to be steampunk. Which has me and a lot of his fans wondering what to expect. Though none of us expect anything but the best from Jim Butcher. Well why are you all standing around here still listening to my go on and on go find some Jim Butcher to try, *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of some coffee to cure his hangover.*


  1. great post! Loved this and will check him out!

  2. I have never heard of him before but this short informative article has me curious. I have heard of The Dresden Files and Codex Alera but I have never read them. I believe The Dresden Files had a television series for some time. I am definitely interested in giving his series a read. I love long series and I have been searching for one for some time now. You have such an interesting blog.

    Thanks for sharing Chis.
