Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Grumpy Start To The Week In Some Ways And Not So Grumpy In Others

    So this week hasn't started out the best for me computer wise, though I did have a lot of fun this morning. I went and checked on my computer around when they had thought it might be ready, trying to save them a phone call. Only to find out that it will probably be another two to four days before I get my computer back, since it has malware on it. Now don't get me wrong I like my friend's computer and it does the job I need it to. And I appreciate him letting me use it. But it is not the same as my computer, which has the keys just where I know them by heart and is set up just right for me.

    Hopefully this time when I get it back it will be perfectly working. But that does bring me out to how I was able to be out at Best Buy around that time. I couldn't sleep last night so I was up late talking to friends and my friend, John, said how would I like to go for a ride around 6 when he got off work. I said sure I couldn't sleep anyways and I wasn't doing anything else anyways.

    So he showed up around 6 and we went up towards his house and he treated me to breakfast. As well as a pack of smokes which I desperately needed since I was nic fitting bad even as I have been working to cut back to be able to quit. I'm not quit there. He took me to a place that makes the best pizza I've ever had though I'll have to get him to remind me of the name of the place. I know it by sight only so far. Maybe he will leave it in the comments if he is reading this. Then I got to meet his mom while he changed out of work clothes. She is a nice lady. Then back in the truck we went banging around Maine cranking the stereo and rolling our windows down for the good sings, Well good to us anyways.

    We laughed did little dances were smartasses, remembered old times. And in general just shot the shit. But we were having a blast doing it all. Even picking on cars that went too slow or did annoying things. We talked back to the radio. John did goofy things in general. It was good to see him relaxed and having fun for the first time in a long time.

    Now as for the rest of the week there is plenty of good things to expect here whether I get my computer back or not. On Tuesday we wll be flushing out the days of the week as characters, which has been hitting me over the head to do since I found it. On Wednesday I will fnally post my piece on Jim Butcher. On Thursday I will be diving into my discovery of the internet starting in high school and going into my early twenties. Friday I will be bringing you a mermaid story of sorts, you'll have to wait and see on that one. And as always Saturday and Sunday are up in the air as to what they will be on.

    Overall it's been a good day other than my computer not being able to come home yet, and possibly taking most of the week to be fixed. But on the bright side I got to hang with an old friend and goof around a bit as well as in general have fun and cut loose. So overall the week is looking up I'd say. How are all of your weeks starting out? *Tips hat and goes in search of more coffee.*

1 comment:

  1. You are such a colorful person. There is nothing like linking up with an old friend and just enjoying life. No schedules, no obligations just fun. I remember those days.I can't wait for you to post the mermaid story.
