Saturday, March 21, 2015

Story Time Friday: The Mysterious Outsider In The City Under The Waves

    It's back in my possession, that right I finally got my computer back. I'm so happy. *Does happy dance.* I almost posted about it yesterday when it happened, but things came up so I didn't quite get to do it. But it felt good to be typing on my own keyboard again. Having trouble sleeping still, but I'll have to talk to one of my doctors about it if it keeps up. I'm getting sleep just waking up on the hour every hour it seems. But that is not what you tuned in to hear about today you came to hear a fish tail. And you shall. So without further ado on with the show.

The Mysterious Outsider In The City Under The Waves
    It was just after dawn when she crashed through the surface of the ocean unconscious. Two men swam up from the still lit city to catch her in mid fall, their tails barely disturbing the ocean. They caught her high above the city putting a mask of bubbles over her face and realized to their shock that she had legs instead of a tail. But still they brought her down into the city below, taking her straight to the hospital. They alerted their superiors to the situation immediately upon arrival, as the hospital was thrown into a frenzy of action and shock.
    It had been centuries since anyone with legs had been seen in this world, and no one knew what this meant. Religious leaders predicted it meant the end of the world as everyone knew it. Political leaders called for calm as they investigated. The result of which was a mix of calm and panic. The police did their best to manage it all, but it was a difficult task at best.
    People looted stores in some cases, others ate with abandon. Some sold homes without planning for the future and gave up all their worldly possessions. Others stayed locked in their dwellings hiding from the chaos as they tried to keep come as still others hoarded things. A few though swam to the surface and tried to breathe the surface air falling back to the bottom unconscious and having to be rescued. They were taken to the hospital and kept separate from the female with legs who was under quarantine until they could get answers from her.
    It took a full 48 hours of this before she finally woke up startled by her surrounding and grasping at the bubble mask. She fluttered around the room in panic screaming. Then wondered how she was able to do so underwater. She stared in shock at first then screamed in surprise when the doctors came in. They spoke to her soothingly assuring her that no one was going to harm her.
    Finally she calmed herself sinking onto the hospital bed and the first thing she asked was, "Where am I, what is this place?"
    The lead doctor smiled softly and replied, "You're in Central Hospital in Coralopolis the largest city under the waves."
    "I've never heard of it, last I knew I was in New York City," she countered.
    "I've never heard of that place either so we are even. But let's start with something simple like what your name is?" the doctor inquired
    "Oh how rude of me even in an unknown place. I'm Emma, Emma Watsmith," she answered extending her hand.
    "A pleasure to meet you my dear," the doctor said taking her hand gently in his. "Now how ever did you come to be falling towards our city?" he pressed further
    "I'm not sure I was on a beach in New York and stepped in a hole and next thing I knew I was waking up here," Emma answered.
    "Interesting," was all the doctor said to that. "By the way my name is Sam Mathews or Doc Mathews."
    "Nice to meet you Doc Mathews, I wish it was under better circumstances," Emma remarked smiling weakly.
    "I'll leave you to rest and we'll try to find you something to eat as well," Doc Mathews said as he and his team left the room.
    Emma lay there wondering where she had fallen into and what was going to happen to her next. She was scared but she knew she could face it. She squared her shoulders and got ready to face whatever came next.
The End?


  1. Hi Chris,

    I loved this story. Very cute and sort of whimsical. It made me wonder what the mermaids looked like. Were they the gorgeous beautiful ones like the ones we see in Disney's The Little Mermaid or were they the gross ones from SYFY. Either way I love this short story.

    1. I'll have to go into more detail on that in the rewrite when I finally finish the story.
