Thursday, March 19, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Discovering The Internet

    Still waiting to hear on my computer though I'm hopeful that I'll hear something today. It will be good to get back to working on my own computer as much as I'm grateful to my friend for me letting me use theirs. It just isn't quite the same. It's like a piano player sitting down to a piano other than their own. It plays the same but it doesn't feel quite right. It's the same for me with computer keyboards. Though I can adjust overtime, but it takes me a long time to adjust.

    Mind you in my younger days I was much more flexible than I am today. I could jump on any computer as a teenager and even in my early twenties. Then I feel into habit of using one computer and got comfortable with one certain keyboard and a type developed with me. But it was in my teens that I discovered the internet. I was introduced to it through email by a friend in high school when I was in Gorham. He was talking about one of his email pen pals and wanted me to meet her and so I created my first email account back then. It was a friendship that lasted a long time. Her name was Lacy. We talked about all sorts of things but somehow lost touch. Hers was one of the first websites I ever visited. Slowly after that I started looking up info on the internet instead of just using computers for writing. I was constantly staying late and coming in early to use the computers at school for the internet. It was one of those times that got me involved with the drama club, but that is a story for another time.

    Even when I moved backed to Portland I was constantly checking my email since it was how I stayed in touch with a lot of my friend from back in Gorham. Plus send them my writing to edit for me. It was around when I was 18 and had become a member of Amistad that I discovered chat rooms and instant messaging. It was a whole new world to me. I was constantly meeting new people on a daily basis back in those days. Most of them are gone now, just lost contact over time.

    Then around 24 I got my disability and got my first ever laptop as well as AOL. That was another new experience for me as well. I made some friends but again most lost contact with me in the end. I even met my soon to be ex-wife (Paperwork is all that is left to be done) on the internet and we talked for years before she came to Maine. Over the years I have met tons of people online and some have stayed and some have lost touch with me. I've also found a lot of cool sites that teach me things and help me explain things as well. Along with letting me share my passions for things with others. It has become my own little home away from home.

    While I still go out from time to time I've come to terms with being mainly an introvert. I'm comfortable that way and I might become more of an extrovert, but we'll see in time. For now I'm just being comfortable in my own skin and working on being better at being me. It'll take time but I'll perfect it as best I can. How did you discover the internet? How has it changed over time? Let me know in the comments below. For now I've got to go because my stomach is growling in protest. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of breakfast.*


  1. The internet. I am only twenty-four years old and I really can't stand the internet if I'm not using it for school work, research or other resourceful purposes. When I got my first email account there were loads of spammers and I would receive a lot of x-rated garbage in my mailbox. I think most people have went to a chat room once or twice. I chatted with a man named Jason for a long time on the internet. He did a few tours oversees and developed PTSD. After he stopped logging in so did I. I now use internet as a tool.

    Naturally most of this is ironic because I go to school online at SNHU :] and use the internet to complete school work, read ancient literature and study. I also have a blog. So I obviously don't loathe the internet as much as I thought. Hmm..

    I'm beginning to think that I am a bit melodramatic. Hahaha.

    Out of curiosity, what do you normally like to have for breakfast?

    1. I actually normally skip breakfast sine I get up so late in the morning other than the coffee. But bacon is always a plus.
