Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Kim Harrison

    So I'm a little behind today because of procrastination, but catching up fast. Today we are covering one of my favorite authors, Kim Harrison. She is most notably know for The Hollows Series as well as The Madison Avery Series, and the forthcoming Peri Reed Chronicles. She has also written under the pen name Dawn cook writing the series, The Truth And The Princess.
    I discovered the talent of Kim Harrison in Black Magic Sanction the eighth book in The Hollows Series. I was teleported to a world of action, romance, sarcasm, and magic. Ever since then I have been eating up her books like candy. I have three or four of them signed as well. She is an amazing talented author. I can never get enough of her work. I have since started branching out to her other series slowly since I have so many books to read. I'm looking forward to her upcoming series The Peri Reed Chronicles.

    She resides in Michigan where she tends her garden and her array of animals that inhabit it include a Koi pond and another pond I believe with frogs and turtles in it. She spends her days working and writing though never forgets to post a blog with something to say to her readers at, where you can subscribe to have her blog show up in your email every morning. She also is notorious for having freebies out for every book. Though some are only available at signings. I have never been to a signing but would love to go to one some day. They look like a small party from what I have seen in pictures.
    She is very open about her writing process wither readers as well as her life in general. It's like having a friend that writes to you every day in some ways. She is far from a recluse, being open and accessible to the fans. Always wanting to make her fans happy as much as she can. She answers comments on her blog personally all the time as well. Something I need to start doing myself.
    She makes her characters vulnerable and flawed but grow throughout the series that she writes which is wonderful to see as I read through them. Plus her plots are intricate and detailed as well as twist and turn all the time. They are definitely what I would call page turners. I have a hard time putting them down at times when I have other things to do.
    As always I encourage you to check out Kim Harrison along with all of the authors we have discussed in the library. I hope you enjoyed my look at Kim Harrison today and if she is reading this I hope she enjoys it as well. For now I have more work to catch up on so I will leave you to peruse the library. *Tips hat and walks out the door to do the dishes.*

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