Saturday, March 28, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Ranting, Raving, And Gaming

    I know I'm late but I got caught up playing Diablo 3 and was having a blast. The game has gotten better with some of the upgrades they did to it since I played it last almost two years ago. I just have to remember to play it in moderation. It's been a crazy week so far but getting better. Though the news has been pissing me off with all of these religious bills and crazy ass things going on in politics. So be prepared for a rant today.

    First off Indiana for the immediate future can kiss my ass until they get rid of this discrimination is legal law they just passed. I don't give a shit what your religion is it does not give you the right to discriminate against someone when you run a business. I used to be a fan of the Hosiers but not anymore not as long as this law is in effect. I join George Takai in calling on a boycott of Indiana by individuals and businesses. I'm getting so fucking sick of seeing these you can discriminate based on your religion bills which are designed to discriminate against the LGBT community. It is just like segregation back after the Civil War. It is time for us as a country to grow the fuck up.

    Do we need to start putting law makers in time out or give them spankings (wait they might like that knowing some of them), for voting for and suggesting legislation that is obviously unconstitutional. This is like the fiftieth fucking bill that has been obviously unconstitutional that has been put into law this year never mind proposed.

    Such as fucking Arizona making a law to basically boycott Californian Wine because they don't like the egg laying law that California passed for the good of the chickens. What are we in fucking first grade now? I'm not taking that from you because you did something I don't like boo hoo hoo. Grow the fuck up.

    And I was just looking at Common Core Math the other day and I want to know what fucking crack smoker came up with this shit. Common Core is supposed to prepare kids for college, and yet the math is nowhere near how they teach it in college. I can at least make sense of College Math but this shit makes no sense to me. I like the basic principle of Common Core of having a set of standards that all the states follow to prepare students for college. So that everyone is on the same page. But try teaching the same fucking way colleges teach. And I'm not talking about those crazy fucking right wing ones that teach creationism as a scientific fact either.

    Good fucking grief ever since the mid-nineties this fucking country has been on a spiral of how nutty can our politicians be. And whenever we get one in there that tries to be logical it is how bad can we fuck him over or block his ability to do his job. Even with a majority in the House and Senate the republican can't get anything done because they are such hardcore nut jobs. And they refuse to compromise or do anything common sense at all. And there is still hostage taking of things that need to get done being done by them. Are these the guys and girls who were bullies in school, I wonder? I used to have some respect for the Republican Party but not since Bush Sr.'s time.

    There really needs to be psych test to be in public office as well as an I. Q, one to make sure they have some common sense and a decent amount of brains before they take the job. They keep coming off as nut jobs and idiots in the recent news cycle. Hell I might fail or just barely pass the psych test I'm not sure which but at least I would know I didn't have major nut cases in charge of my government. And this folks is why I talk about ideas that should be done by the government and not the actual politicians themselves outside of election time much. *Tips hat and walks out the door to go back to killing the undead in Diablo 3.*

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