Friday, March 27, 2015

Story Time Friday: Dreaming Of Being A Submariner

    I know I'm a bit late today, but I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I'm also a bit behind in school since I started feeling under the weather last night. But it really hit me this morning. But as usual coffee is helping perk me up a bit though I still feel under the weather. And I will be back on track with school right after this story today. So today we are looking at a city build on top of a city buried under water. And a teenage boy who dreams of being a submariner so he can explore it. So without further ado on with the show.

Dreaming Of Being A Submariner
    Bobby had always wanted to be a submariner and still did even as he was out fishing with his pet pig, Oinker. They usually had a good haul thanks to Oinker since Bobby was always too busy staring at the city below the water wondering what was down there. He'd often get lost in his daydreams of being a submariner. One of the elite who got to go down in submarines exploring the ancient ruins below the waves of the city.
    Bobby's grades were good enough in school that he could get into college for it, but he often had doubts about his ability. Whenever he expressed doubt his friends and teachers would tell him he was wrong and that he could do it. Bobby just had low self-esteem was all. He hadn't had the encouragement that his friends and teachers gave him at home. His family all expected him to go into the fishing business like he had, but that is not what he wanted to do. But every time he told them this they shot his dreams down.
    Though as Bobby got older the pull of the undersea city got stronger and his resolve got stronger as well. Finally one day he told his family he was going to become a submariner and that was all there was to it. They told him if he didn't go into the fishing business they would disown him. And he was like fine than I have no family. That made all their jaws drop as they tried to reconsider what they had said. But Bobby started ignoring them and their requests more and more. The only thing he ever did for the family anymore was go out fishing for dinner with Oinker.
    Bobby was determined to become a submariner. And just that day he had been told he had won a scholarship to the college that trained submariners, so he was on top of the world as he stared down into the ice depths of the waters. Just a few more years and he would be able to explore those ruins like other submariners and get the answers to what plagued his imagination most. He still daydreamed and wondered what he would find though. He suspected it would be that way till he got down there and saw for himself. So as Oinker brought in the rest of the nets Bobby made ready to head for home and give the news to his family as the sun set on the city above and below the waters.

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