Friday, March 6, 2015

Story Time Friday: Reaching Above The Clouds

    I know I missed yesterday's post and I apologize for that was a crazy day. Been hectic without having my computer to work whenever I want, but hopefully by next week I will have a brand new computer and be working at my own pace once again so that things will be back on track. In the meantime please bear with me as I try to stay as on schedule as I can. Today with story time we are going above the clouds to see what we can see. So without further ado on with the show.


Reaching Above The Clouds
    Hank tied his boat off at the base of the island and started to climb the cliffs. He knew that no one had lived to tell what was behind the clouds, but still he climbed. He just had to know what was up there. As he climbed the handholds became more jagged, and he passed carabineers from previous climbers that had been declared dead that had come before him. But still he refused to turn back. He was determined to find out what was up there in those clouds.
    As Hank got closer to the clouds he thought he heard voices and other noises. But he figured he was just hallucinating because of the low level of oxygen at this height. Just below the clouds he found a ledge to take a rest. He was anxious to get above the clouds but he didn't want to be exhausted when he got there either. So he took the time to rest yet still he could swear he heard voices and other noises coming from above.
    Finally after he had rested for about an hour Hank started climbing again, covering his face as he began to climb into the cloud. As he did the noises began to get louder as did the voices it seemed to him, but he was sure he was hallucinating so he just kept climbing. The rock face plateaued as he came up out of the cloud and he sat down on it facing out towards the cloud to catch his breath, taking a few sips from his canteen.
    Hank slid back several feet before turning to get up. It was then that he saw it, a sprawling city far advanced beyond anything he had seen in the modern world. The city seemed to hover just above the plateau slightly. The roads shined of some sort of electrical material as did all the rooftops. There were windmills all along the outside of the city. The buildings appeared to be made of glass and the vehicles driving on the roads only made a slight humming noise.
    Hank was speechless at what he was seeing, and wondered if the other climbers that had come before him were in this city. As he took a step forward slowly heading towards the city three human looking figures came from the city towards him. He wasn't sure what their intentions were, but he wanted as much space between him and the plateau's edge as possible when he met them. So Hank continued walking towards them cautiously. As Hank got closer to the city he noticed trees mixed in with all the buildings.
    As Hank got closer he noticed the three figures were very human looking other than the pointed ears and ivory skin. They approached slowly as if not wanting to appear threatening. They were dressed in bright colorful clothing that seemed to blend with the trees of their buildings. As Hank and the human like figures met a ways from the city the lead figure held out a hand and Hank shook it.
    "I'm Sheroon, this is Oroom, and Morock," the lead figure called Sheroon introduced himself and his companions as he shook Hank's hand. "We are Elves, and this is our city where we have remained hidden for millennia. You must have many questions and all will be answered in time. Let us escort you to the city where you can rest and eat."
    "Thank you. And yes I do have questions, but you are right they can wait for now I am starving. I thought Elves were a myth though," Hank replied.
    "We once lived with humans long ago, but retreated hear as our two people took separate paths," Sheroon explained as they walked towards the city together.
As they walked toward the city the clouds seemed to envelope them and the city making it appear as if nothing had ever been there.
The End?

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