Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday Reflections: Upcoming

    So it has been an up and down week for me. I'm still waiting to hear about my computer as I work to plan out my upcoming week for next week. I'm prepared for term to start though I still have work to do on scholarships, but I have the breathing room to do that. It adds to my writing load but I think I can handle it. I know I can handle my reading load as I proved I can this week with room to spare.

    I'm really looking forward to this class since it is one of the ones under my major that will help me refine my writing skills. So far I've met some really friendly people and having fun exchanging ideas with them. As well as book recommendations along with hobby ideas. It is really exhilarating and it is only the beginning of the class. I look forward to an exciting and enjoyable class this term.

    I'm also going to be pushing myself harder in my writing since as I pushed myself on the first week's work and found that I could do it, it showed me that I was not pushing myself hard enough. So this will push my timeline up hopefully. Plus it will of course allow me to get more writing out.

    As for this week in the blog I've got a review for Ocean At The End Of The Lane coming up on Monday. On Tuesday I will be doing an essay, and on Wednesday we will be discussing Jim Butcher this week. Then Thursday I will be remembering my first real girlfriend, Maria, on Throwback Thursday. Of course we will have a story on Friday as soon as I pick out a prompt for it. Then as we reach Saturday I'll probably be ranting again, but hopefully I'll be mellower this week as I give me thoughts on a topic. And then probably Sunday I will be back with some reflections on the week and what you can expect in the upcoming week.

    As we bring this week to a close we look back and think what we could have done better and what we could have changed. But it was a good week overall. Even as some things were stressful in other areas. I will be drinking more coffee next week that is for sure as I start to quit smoking. Coffee cuts the cravings. Speaking of coffee I could really use some and so I'm going to go for now. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of coffee.*

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