Thursday, April 2, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Being A Kid In Portland

    I know I'm late today, but still recovering from a bad fall yesterday that prevented me from posting. Messed up my right foot and my back so not going to be going anyplace anytime soon. I'll be seeing a doctor about it soon, no worries. But today we are talking about my childhood in Portland. For clarification that is Portland, ME.

    I didn't get to play with a lot of other kids till I was about 8 and my mom found the projects that I now live in. Then it was just a matter of going out when other kids were out and making friends. We played tag and four square mainly in the entranceway of the building my mom lived in as well as on the playground across the street. On rainy days my friends would come over and play video games with me and my mom all afternoon until around dinner time.

    But most of the time we were outside hanging out on the playground either playing tag or talking and hanging out. Sometimes we'd lay basketball in the basketball court next to the playground. In summertime we would get in trouble for using the laundry room to refill our water guns. We had massive water fights all across the property in those days. Almost all summer the sidewalks and entryways would be soaked with water. Management was not pleased with us.

    In the fall we would mostly spend time talking about relationships and things that bothered us as our energy was winding down. I miss those long talks. I've lost touch with most of my friends from those days unfortunately. We'd still play tag and four square but just not as much as in spring and summer. When it was too cold out for us to be comfortable outside the whole gang would come over as on rainy days and we would sit around talking including my mom or we would play video games.

    Winter time everyone was busy doing their own thing from around Thanksgiving on. The last real get together would be around Halloween in the fall and then everyone drifted to their own thing. Though a few of us would get in trouble for sledding out front of my mom's building. But mostly it would be me and whoever decided to drop by playing video games throughout the winter. Though I also read in winter because I couldn't just play video games all winter long.

    As spring came in people came by more and more though we didn't go out till everything was fully thawed. We'd hang out talking or play video games in the early spring days mainly. Once the days turned warm we would start to trickle back to the outdoors and playing four square and tag with renewed energy.

    It would last this way for the most part into my teen years when it would become more about hanging out and talking or playing video games inside. There would be more talk of crushes and eventually games of truth and dare. But those early years really helped me learn to socialize thanks to the people willing to bring me into their circle and show me things. I wish I still had contact with them to this day since I miss them greatly. Maybe they will find one of my pages and reach out to me someday, I can only hope. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of a snack.*

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