Thursday, March 26, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Days Spent On The Farm

    I know I'm a little later than normal for a Thursday, but I was out having fun. It's been a pretty good day so far. And starting next month I might even be out and about when I make these entries at times. Crazy as it sounds I'm going to try getting a little more out and about during the day. And I've got some motivation to help me do it too, but that is being kept under wraps for now. For today we are talking about my days down on the farm where my dad worked when I was a kid.

    It was a dairy farm to be exact, and he was constantly doing something to help with the harvest of the crops. Meanwhile I would sit in his truck and paly on my Gameboy or listen to the radio for hours on end. Now and then I'd go up to a friend's house on the famr and play Nintendo with him.

    On rare occasions I would go into the milking parlor of help out in the calf barn. It was nice helping in the calf barn when I was younger. Giving them hay and milk. Plus getting to pet them, even if they would head-butt you a bit at times. As I got older I ventured more into the milking parlor on my own. Normally when I was younger it was with the other kids to get fresh milk so we could have milkshakes made for us. Now it was to talk to Dickie because my batteries had died or I was bored with the radio. He'd have me open the exit gates at first for the cows being milked then eventually he had me doing both the entrance and exit gates. When I was just into my teens he got me to try putting on the milking machines, but I got a bit spooked by some of the more feisty cows. Though I think I would jump back in the saddle again today if I was given the chance.

    It wasn't long after that summer that I moved back to Portland, but I enjoyed the time I spent down there. I also rode my bike down there a bit, but it gets boring when it is just you alone. I just was never much of a country boy. As much as I like the sounds of the country, mostly the woods. I'm more of a city boy. I guess I should probably live near Central Park then to get the best of both worlds or something like it. Maybe the suburbs. Even today I'm still trying to find my place in the world where I truly fit in environment wise. I figure I'll find it or some sort of balance to it. One of the two.

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one, or if there are others like me still looking for just the right place in the world for them environment wise. Maybe I'm just weird, I don't know. But I'll figure it out someday I'm sure of that. For now I can drown my need for certain sounds in mp3 files and that seems to do the trick when I miss them. Let me know if I'm truly the only one or if there are others out there like me in the comments below. I've got to get back to studying for now. *Tips hat and walks out the door looking for where he left his school book.*

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