Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Ramblings And Rants Today

    So why this title you might be asking yourself as you are clicking into today's entry or even onto the blog for the first time. Well I had some time to sit back and think about what Mondays were and on some level the bigger picture of everything. And as I was thinking I was like everything has a beginning, middle, and end. So my week begins on Monday as it does with most people, which made me think Monday should normally be about beginnings. Now that doesn't mean the rest of the blow is switching around titles. Though I might do something about Saturday, not sure yet on that one.

    And I really have to stop looking at Facebook before coming onto here to do the blog, because it just keeps making my head explode. Not literally obviously but still you get the idea. Today's culprit is Scott Walker the Governor of Wisconsin who has compared Unions to ISIS. But then we also have the other Republicans doing some fairly equally crazy bat shit stuff in other states as well as Washington D. C. One has said we should stick cameras down the throats of pregnant women in place of ultra sounds. Another thinks Cancer is a fungus and can be just washed away. And in the capitol of our country in New England where winter is always snowy and it is still winter. A Senator called having snow this time of year unseasonably cold. I'm just waiting on the next crazy idea to pop into my newsfeed or stupid one whichever comes first. At this point I should start investing in pain reliever companies at the rate the Republican Party is going.

    I know not everyone will agree with me for their own particular reasons. Just elect some sane people who will govern is all I'm asking for. They can stand for principles, but let them be benefiting you. So far these new jack offs only want to help the rich tear everything down and make you and me poorer and harder to get education and better off in life. Tell them to rethink this ideology and come back with a better one. I don't mind arguing on gun control, normally me and those I argue with come to a fairly decent understanding. I don't mind arguing half a billion topics. But what is happening to working class families now is just wrong and the Republicans know there plan is just bad but refuse to veer off course.

    I'll get down off my soap box for now, but I'll be back up there at times. You don't have to agree with me always, and I understand and respect you right not to agree with me. If we all always agreed the world would be a pretty boring place. I like sharing ideas and debating that is the type of disagreeing I wish went on more often. Not wars and killings. A question I find myself asking myself over and over again is why we are so harmful to each other. I'm still trying to fully answer that one.

    I'm finally getting back into my routine today and it feels good, but it is going to be a hectic week with me being out and about every day of the week. Maybe even through the weekend. And as much as I've come to realize I'm mostly an introvert I'm actually looking forward to it. Maybe because it is a different adventure every day. Hopefully you are all having a good start to your week. *Tips hat and walks out the door looking for more coffee.*

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