Friday, February 27, 2015

Story Time Friday: Sharing The World Of Literature With A New Generation

    So this week's Story Time is interesting since I got the prompt from my book for next term, and it will pop up again at times. Basically it has me writing a story about a mundane job though I'm still working on trying to find a better way to write it. And since I couldn't sleep much last night this should be out earlier than usual. Today's take on the writing prompt will be inspired from Dangerous Minds and my own life experiences. So without further ado on with the show.
Prompt: Pick a fairly mundane job and write a short story about it in your own vision of it staying as true to the job as you can.
Sharing The World Of Literature With A New Generation

    Charlie was running a bit behind for his first English Class of the year, he knew it would be rough since he had gone to this school as a kid himself. But he was determined to open the world of literature to his students. He knew it would be doubly hard since he was the new guy on the block and word had already spread through the school. But he wasn't intimated. To be intimated in this school was the first step to signing your own death warrant, and that was far from Charlie's agenda.
    As he neared his classroom Charlie prepared for the mental stress he was about to endure. Then he opened the door and walked in black leather trench coat flowing behind him as he walked in to stand before his class. He stood before them calmly removed his coat and hung it on the back of his chair.
    "Good morning class I apologize for being late I'm Mr. Baker and I am your English Teacher. You have two choices I can treat you as young adults or children. The choice is up to you, He started out. "I was once in those same desks as you sit now and had to make the same choice I'm giving you. You choose wisely you may be the teacher someday or whatever you aspire to be. You know actually I think my name may be carved in one of those desks you are sitting at."
    At his last comment the class chuckled, but it was a respectful chuckle. Everyone even checked their desk to see if they might have his name carved in their desk. One kid found it and had him come over so he could show him. Charlie walked to the back and nodded as he saw smiling at it. One of the rougher looking kids across the aisle tried to take a cheap shot at him and he caught it shrugging it off.
    As he walked to the front in reply to the attack he said, "Like I said I've been in those desks before you. I know all the tricks you will try and pull. Now you can try your best and pass or better, or you can just waste your time and repeat the class with a less cool teacher. You see I'm not here to be the boss, I'm here to be a leader and work with you to help you learn what the course wants you to learn."
    One kid raised his hand and asked, "Why do you want to help us?"
    "I was waiting for that question and the answer is simple. I was once in your shoes until a teacher helped me, and changed the road I was walking down. Now it is my turn to do the same," He answered smiling as he remembered his mentor.
    One of the rougher kids raised his hand and said, "I don't like to read. How am I going to pass this class?"
    "I knew I would find at least one person claiming not to like reading. See no one likes to read till they find the right type of book. With the right subject or the right writer. And I'm just crazy enough to try every book in the library to find the right one for every one of you," Charlie countered.
    After this the class went mostly silent with whispers among themselves and Charlie let them have some time to digest all he had said to them. He figured he would start them off slowly, no reason to blow their minds completely yet. So he went to the chalk board and wrote books in a circle in the center of the chalkboard with lines coming off of it.
    A kid in the front row named Ron raised his hand and asked, "What's that Mr. Baker?"
    "This is a brainstorming exercise from when I was a kid. Our topic is books, and our goal as a class is to map out everything we can think of about books. From genres we like to read to even titles to music we like to listen when reading to places we like to read," Charlie answered smiling.
    Ron nodded along with the rest of the class. Someone called out Boring. Charlie wrote it down on one of the lines and circled it. That started to give the class the idea of how it worked. They started calling out answers one by one growing the brainstorm till it covered the whole board. It had every sort of idea you could imagine on it. Charlie smiled looking at it before turning to face the class.
    "Now copy this down, because it will help you with your homework assignment. I want one page single space and two pages if double spaced on books and you. You have all the inspiration you need right up here on the board thanks to you and your classmates," Charlie instructed.
    Charlie watched as they copied everything down and wrote the assignment down. He knew he had won round one, but that there would be harder battles than the first day of class. But he had plenty of tricks left up his sleeve still, and he planned to pull out all the stops to get these kids through his class as well as high school if need be.
To Be Continued Elsewhere.
    I know I know I'm such a tease but this story has gotten bigger than even my blog can contain. How big remains to be seen. I'll keep you posted though. I hope you enjoyed it though. *Tips hat and goes back to writing.*

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