Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Education Rant

    So I know this is late but I was tired today and then had a dinner engagement with a friend. Does that mean I'm any less fired up about education than I was this morning? Hell no, and there will be just as much swearing as if I had done this in the morning. Yes folks this will be a rant much like Saturday's was but on the topic of education. I'm not pulling any punches, and this has been brewing for a while. For those who were hoping for an essay today, well that should be back next week.

    So first and foremost we'll start in my own backyard with that jackass of a governor we have in Maine Paul LePaige. This dumb fuck wants the local governments to pay for the majority of the education costs instead of it being the state like it is supposed to be followed by the federal government and then the local government. He also bucks the federal government any chance he gets on anything. No matter how little it is. If they say no he goes ahead and does it anyways whether it is legal or not. He is a complete fucking moron.

    Now down and over to Arizona where their dumb fuck governor thinks it is ok to keep cutting money from education period. Even from the universities. He is on this notion that education is not about the money. I got news for him it is about the fucking money you dumb fucking moron, We are out spent in this fucking country but just about every other fucking country beating us in the education race and then wonder why we are behind in educational development. Gee I wonder why. Maybe because they fucking spend more on fucking education in the furst fucking place. It gives you better books and tools to work with and attracts better fucking people to the profession. It also allows for smaller fucking classes and more one on one time with kids. Plus newer innovations in teaching. Maybe we should be taling some pages out of fucking Europe's book on education for once.

    There is an old saying and I forget who said it but it goes, to make money you have to spend money. And education is just that. The smarter you workers are coming out of just fucking high school the more productive and competent they will be in the work place. We also need to make higher education more affordable for those jobs because the population ain't getting any younger and it is not fair to make them pay super high prices for education when you didn't. You want good worker you have to educate them plain and fucking simple. Then you have to pay them good whether you like it or not. But that is a rant for another fucking time.

    Stop trying to make America stupid and start trying to make it smart with investments in education you stupid fucking Republicans. You keep trying to hurt the poor and the children, and help only those well off. We have to grow together in education it can't be only one group. Now stop being dumb fucks and get to funding education properly or go sit in the corner with the dunce caps on that is if we have enough corners for all of you undermining education. *Tips hat and walks out the door towards the library steam coming out of his ears.*

Monday Review: The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Wicca And Witchcraft 3rd Edition

    I know it's been awhile since I did a review, but also been a while since I finished a book, been being a slow reader lately. I've also had a lot on my mind, so it has had to go somewhere. I still have a lot on my mind too. But today we are reviewing The Complete Idiot's Guide To Wicca And Witchcraft 3rd Edition by Denise Zimmerman and Katherine A. Gleason and Revised with Miria Liguana.

    It is a wonderful book for those starting out in Wicca or Witchcraft in general. It lays out a great foundation for Wicca and Witchcraft. Giving a brief history of it and what the general beliefs of Wicca are as well as dispelling many of the misbeliefs of the religion. It then goes into the religion itself explain the most basic pieces through the first several chapters. Then getting more complex as it goes along.

    It even lays out a practice schedule roughly for your first year and a day at the very end, which I quite helpful if you are ready to practice after reading this. Some will be and some will want to do more research first. For me it answered many questions and let to more still. And led me on a journey to more reading before I start practicing but that is my own spiritual journey as I believe everyone walks their own spiritual journey.

    This book won't answer all of your questions it will give you a good start to the answers though, and dispel many myths about Wicca and Witchcraft though. It is more of a jumping off point for study in this field than an end all solution for all your answers. But with that said it is an excellent jumping off point. That is why I'm giving this book 5 stars out of 5 stars. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of a bed to fall into.*

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Ranting, Raving, And Gaming

    I know I'm late but I got caught up playing Diablo 3 and was having a blast. The game has gotten better with some of the upgrades they did to it since I played it last almost two years ago. I just have to remember to play it in moderation. It's been a crazy week so far but getting better. Though the news has been pissing me off with all of these religious bills and crazy ass things going on in politics. So be prepared for a rant today.

    First off Indiana for the immediate future can kiss my ass until they get rid of this discrimination is legal law they just passed. I don't give a shit what your religion is it does not give you the right to discriminate against someone when you run a business. I used to be a fan of the Hosiers but not anymore not as long as this law is in effect. I join George Takai in calling on a boycott of Indiana by individuals and businesses. I'm getting so fucking sick of seeing these you can discriminate based on your religion bills which are designed to discriminate against the LGBT community. It is just like segregation back after the Civil War. It is time for us as a country to grow the fuck up.

    Do we need to start putting law makers in time out or give them spankings (wait they might like that knowing some of them), for voting for and suggesting legislation that is obviously unconstitutional. This is like the fiftieth fucking bill that has been obviously unconstitutional that has been put into law this year never mind proposed.

    Such as fucking Arizona making a law to basically boycott Californian Wine because they don't like the egg laying law that California passed for the good of the chickens. What are we in fucking first grade now? I'm not taking that from you because you did something I don't like boo hoo hoo. Grow the fuck up.

    And I was just looking at Common Core Math the other day and I want to know what fucking crack smoker came up with this shit. Common Core is supposed to prepare kids for college, and yet the math is nowhere near how they teach it in college. I can at least make sense of College Math but this shit makes no sense to me. I like the basic principle of Common Core of having a set of standards that all the states follow to prepare students for college. So that everyone is on the same page. But try teaching the same fucking way colleges teach. And I'm not talking about those crazy fucking right wing ones that teach creationism as a scientific fact either.

    Good fucking grief ever since the mid-nineties this fucking country has been on a spiral of how nutty can our politicians be. And whenever we get one in there that tries to be logical it is how bad can we fuck him over or block his ability to do his job. Even with a majority in the House and Senate the republican can't get anything done because they are such hardcore nut jobs. And they refuse to compromise or do anything common sense at all. And there is still hostage taking of things that need to get done being done by them. Are these the guys and girls who were bullies in school, I wonder? I used to have some respect for the Republican Party but not since Bush Sr.'s time.

    There really needs to be psych test to be in public office as well as an I. Q, one to make sure they have some common sense and a decent amount of brains before they take the job. They keep coming off as nut jobs and idiots in the recent news cycle. Hell I might fail or just barely pass the psych test I'm not sure which but at least I would know I didn't have major nut cases in charge of my government. And this folks is why I talk about ideas that should be done by the government and not the actual politicians themselves outside of election time much. *Tips hat and walks out the door to go back to killing the undead in Diablo 3.*

Friday, March 27, 2015

Story Time Friday: Dreaming Of Being A Submariner

    I know I'm a bit late today, but I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I'm also a bit behind in school since I started feeling under the weather last night. But it really hit me this morning. But as usual coffee is helping perk me up a bit though I still feel under the weather. And I will be back on track with school right after this story today. So today we are looking at a city build on top of a city buried under water. And a teenage boy who dreams of being a submariner so he can explore it. So without further ado on with the show.

Dreaming Of Being A Submariner
    Bobby had always wanted to be a submariner and still did even as he was out fishing with his pet pig, Oinker. They usually had a good haul thanks to Oinker since Bobby was always too busy staring at the city below the water wondering what was down there. He'd often get lost in his daydreams of being a submariner. One of the elite who got to go down in submarines exploring the ancient ruins below the waves of the city.
    Bobby's grades were good enough in school that he could get into college for it, but he often had doubts about his ability. Whenever he expressed doubt his friends and teachers would tell him he was wrong and that he could do it. Bobby just had low self-esteem was all. He hadn't had the encouragement that his friends and teachers gave him at home. His family all expected him to go into the fishing business like he had, but that is not what he wanted to do. But every time he told them this they shot his dreams down.
    Though as Bobby got older the pull of the undersea city got stronger and his resolve got stronger as well. Finally one day he told his family he was going to become a submariner and that was all there was to it. They told him if he didn't go into the fishing business they would disown him. And he was like fine than I have no family. That made all their jaws drop as they tried to reconsider what they had said. But Bobby started ignoring them and their requests more and more. The only thing he ever did for the family anymore was go out fishing for dinner with Oinker.
    Bobby was determined to become a submariner. And just that day he had been told he had won a scholarship to the college that trained submariners, so he was on top of the world as he stared down into the ice depths of the waters. Just a few more years and he would be able to explore those ruins like other submariners and get the answers to what plagued his imagination most. He still daydreamed and wondered what he would find though. He suspected it would be that way till he got down there and saw for himself. So as Oinker brought in the rest of the nets Bobby made ready to head for home and give the news to his family as the sun set on the city above and below the waters.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Days Spent On The Farm

    I know I'm a little later than normal for a Thursday, but I was out having fun. It's been a pretty good day so far. And starting next month I might even be out and about when I make these entries at times. Crazy as it sounds I'm going to try getting a little more out and about during the day. And I've got some motivation to help me do it too, but that is being kept under wraps for now. For today we are talking about my days down on the farm where my dad worked when I was a kid.

    It was a dairy farm to be exact, and he was constantly doing something to help with the harvest of the crops. Meanwhile I would sit in his truck and paly on my Gameboy or listen to the radio for hours on end. Now and then I'd go up to a friend's house on the famr and play Nintendo with him.

    On rare occasions I would go into the milking parlor of help out in the calf barn. It was nice helping in the calf barn when I was younger. Giving them hay and milk. Plus getting to pet them, even if they would head-butt you a bit at times. As I got older I ventured more into the milking parlor on my own. Normally when I was younger it was with the other kids to get fresh milk so we could have milkshakes made for us. Now it was to talk to Dickie because my batteries had died or I was bored with the radio. He'd have me open the exit gates at first for the cows being milked then eventually he had me doing both the entrance and exit gates. When I was just into my teens he got me to try putting on the milking machines, but I got a bit spooked by some of the more feisty cows. Though I think I would jump back in the saddle again today if I was given the chance.

    It wasn't long after that summer that I moved back to Portland, but I enjoyed the time I spent down there. I also rode my bike down there a bit, but it gets boring when it is just you alone. I just was never much of a country boy. As much as I like the sounds of the country, mostly the woods. I'm more of a city boy. I guess I should probably live near Central Park then to get the best of both worlds or something like it. Maybe the suburbs. Even today I'm still trying to find my place in the world where I truly fit in environment wise. I figure I'll find it or some sort of balance to it. One of the two.

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one, or if there are others like me still looking for just the right place in the world for them environment wise. Maybe I'm just weird, I don't know. But I'll figure it out someday I'm sure of that. For now I can drown my need for certain sounds in mp3 files and that seems to do the trick when I miss them. Let me know if I'm truly the only one or if there are others out there like me in the comments below. I've got to get back to studying for now. *Tips hat and walks out the door looking for where he left his school book.*

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Kim Harrison

    So I'm a little behind today because of procrastination, but catching up fast. Today we are covering one of my favorite authors, Kim Harrison. She is most notably know for The Hollows Series as well as The Madison Avery Series, and the forthcoming Peri Reed Chronicles. She has also written under the pen name Dawn cook writing the series, The Truth And The Princess.
    I discovered the talent of Kim Harrison in Black Magic Sanction the eighth book in The Hollows Series. I was teleported to a world of action, romance, sarcasm, and magic. Ever since then I have been eating up her books like candy. I have three or four of them signed as well. She is an amazing talented author. I can never get enough of her work. I have since started branching out to her other series slowly since I have so many books to read. I'm looking forward to her upcoming series The Peri Reed Chronicles.

    She resides in Michigan where she tends her garden and her array of animals that inhabit it include a Koi pond and another pond I believe with frogs and turtles in it. She spends her days working and writing though never forgets to post a blog with something to say to her readers at kimharrison.net, where you can subscribe to have her blog show up in your email every morning. She also is notorious for having freebies out for every book. Though some are only available at signings. I have never been to a signing but would love to go to one some day. They look like a small party from what I have seen in pictures.
    She is very open about her writing process wither readers as well as her life in general. It's like having a friend that writes to you every day in some ways. She is far from a recluse, being open and accessible to the fans. Always wanting to make her fans happy as much as she can. She answers comments on her blog personally all the time as well. Something I need to start doing myself.
    She makes her characters vulnerable and flawed but grow throughout the series that she writes which is wonderful to see as I read through them. Plus her plots are intricate and detailed as well as twist and turn all the time. They are definitely what I would call page turners. I have a hard time putting them down at times when I have other things to do.
    As always I encourage you to check out Kim Harrison along with all of the authors we have discussed in the library. I hope you enjoyed my look at Kim Harrison today and if she is reading this I hope she enjoys it as well. For now I have more work to catch up on so I will leave you to peruse the library. *Tips hat and walks out the door to do the dishes.*

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday Insights: One Spark Of Happiness

    I know it's early but I slept almost all day yesterday, and I can't sleep anymore. Plus I've got thoughts to put to paper starting with here and then on to school work. Today's prompt is about memories and what if you got to choose just one of them to bottle. Like a perfume of sorts. What would it smell like and how often would you smell it. A question not asked in the prompt but I wonder is if it could become addictive? All this we will explore today. So without further ado on with the show.

One Spark Of Happiness
    The first thing that comes to mind are the lyrics, "If I could put time in a bottle," by Jim Croce as I sit down to write this. Since in a sense I'm bottling time up. But only in a sense. There are so many memories to choose from. Some painful as they are happy. I think I will cheat this one time and instead of one memory I will bottle two. There are two times in my life that I have been extremely happy and felt at one with another person.
    The first is the summer of 1999 when I was last with my first girlfriend, Maria and we opened our hearts and souls to each other. We had no real fan so the windows were constantly open letting the breeze in. It was a slow breeze, bringing the scent of the trees out front of the building into the apartment. We'd lay on the bottom of the bunk bed and talk for hours just cuddling. As the music played on the stereo. We went to movies as well. Though I can't remember which ones. But for me the memory would mainly be the scent of the trees in the breeze bringing me back to those days we talked and cuddled.
    The second memory is even more important and special to me. It is the birth of my son. This one is already bottled up though to a point, every time I smell clean laundry. That was the strongest smell I can remember that day. And every time I smell it I hear him scream loud as a banshee as he comes into the world. He was not a happy camper. That and I remember my right hand throbbing at having felt like it was broken. I'm still pretty sure it was, but that is just my opinion. All three of us spent three days in the hospital bonding and talking. Well me and his mom talking as he slept, but you get the idea. I thought everything would be ok from that point on.
    Memories have the power to lift up or drop down, so better to choose to remember good times to help lift you up when times are not so good. We've all had good and bad memories it is just which ones you choose to dwell on that will determine how well they can or cannot help you. You've seen two of the most important to me, what are a couple of yours, if you don't mind sharing. Right now I'm in a happy place having gone down memory lane. *Tips hat and walks out the door searching for breakfast.*

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Inspired From The News

    I know you were expecting a book review, and I hope you are not too terribly disappointed. But I was listening to The New York Times and got inspired by the good news I was hearing as well as the bad news I was hearing. So bear with me for this week. I will get around to that book review don't worry. I just haven't rambled properly in a good long while.

    First I heard that it seems in Massachusetts if I remember hearing right, that medical workers are being trained and taking out homeless and poor people with Diabetes shopping. As well as giving them warm clothing to wear to prevent frostbite. And dealing with eviction notices all as if they were medical emergencies. It brought me hope that this nation might finally starting to address the poor and homeless as human beings and not mere inconveniences. That they might be starting to work more consciously towards helping them on another level. Instead of waiting for them to come to them they are going out and finding them and helping them. I do hope this keeps spreading and multiplying as the year goes on. I know it costs taxpayers money but it is money well spent on helping our fellow human beings. One day we may not have any homeless at the very least and maybe not anyone struggling as much as some do now. I can dream at least.

    Second the courts seem to be taking the legislatures in states more to task now on funding schools properly. I applaud them for doing their jobs and keeping the legislatures and governors in check. As for those who complain I remind them that the courts were established not just for law & order so that we could punish criminals. But that their main purpose is to keep the Legislative and Executive Branches in check. The courts are now acting to make sure laws are right and proper as well as funding whether people like it or not. They are doing what their job is meant to do.

    Why is it that we will jump at the chance to fund a way but when someone suggests raising taxes to fund education or knowledge or even fixing the roads we balk? Do we not value or country looking nice and our citizens being smart? There are some in this country who would rather our citizens be dumber and we can't allow that to happen. Like it or not Reagan was wrong to cut taxes as drastically as he did and even he saw that which is why he started raising them again while in office. The bottom line is we have to raise taxes the rich. They have more money than they know what to do with and are not paying their fair share into the government. They pay less than the middle class does because of loop holes in the tax system. It is time to reform our tax system so those loop holes are gone. And perhaps create a new tax bracket as Warren Buffet championed for the uber wealthy. So that we can take proper care of our country and fund our school like they should be among other things.

    And I don't mean raise taxes on the middle class either let's get that straight right now. For some reason every time someone hears tax increases they think it means them. And for some reason the citizens in some states think we spend too much. If we do it is on defense in my opinion which out spends the whole budget and every military far more than it should in peace time. It seems to me some are always planning for us to go off to war which is wrong. It is high time we change our economy from being the world's arms dealer to being something more useful and less destructive.

    This is why I plow ahead with my education. This is why I want to write and teach and be a politician. To help steer this country in a better direction where everyone can be prosperous. Where everyone can be happy as they should be at whatever they do and live somewhat comfortably be they rich, middle class, or poor. I've had enough of corporations trampling over everyone in their why including their workers just to make a few cents more profits. Enough is enough this country was founded for the people by the people. Not by corporations for corporations. *Tips hat and kicks open the door walking out it still ranting and raving.*

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Reflections: Being Forgetful This Week

    I feel like I've been in a stupor all week to a point. All I've wanted to do for the most part is sleep. I think I'm coming down sick again, but I'm not worried because I know I will get better. I finished a book I was studying for spiritual reasons this past week so there will be a Monday Review in this upcoming review. I learned a lot from it, but I need to learn more before I start practicing in my religion I feel. And maybe part of it is nerves. I've got my next spiritual book picked out though and plan to see how this one helps me understand Wicca. I also have some specialist books to go back and read as well as I get closer to practicing.

    On a different note I would have had a post-up yesterday if I could have simply remembered what I was going to write about. I had come up with an idea with help from friends for Saturday's post, but couldn't remember it yesterday. It was extremely frustrating. It drove me crazy trying to remember it. Even after I had fallen asleep I was still trying to remember it, which was trippy.

    It wasn't like there was a lack of posts getting outbursts from me last week, but when I sat down to type my brain just went blank. I hate when that happens. I figure it will either come back to me by next Saturday or something new will enter my though process. I'm still putting together next week's posting schedule as we speak. I might even go out to the movies next week. Nope that will be the week after it turns out. But looking forward to hopefully seeing Insurgent the second movie in the Divergent Trilogy.

    So I think I have the breakdown of the posts for next week now. On Monday we will be reviewing The Complete Idiot's Guide To Wicca And Witchcraft 3rd Edition, on Tuesday we will be examining bottling memories, Wednesday we will be looking at Kim Harrison, Thursday is a trip to the farm, and Friday is a story of a teen longing to be a submariner to see the city under the water in his own city. As always Saturday and Sunday are up in the air.

    It's been one of those mornings when I wanted to get my thoughts down on my paper even before having coffee. They happen every so often. But now that craving for coffee is kicking in. So let me know what you think of the week coming up. I apologize again for there being no post yesterday. And please do spread the word of this blog and subscribe to it as well. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of coffee.*

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Story Time Friday: The Mysterious Outsider In The City Under The Waves

    It's back in my possession, that right I finally got my computer back. I'm so happy. *Does happy dance.* I almost posted about it yesterday when it happened, but things came up so I didn't quite get to do it. But it felt good to be typing on my own keyboard again. Having trouble sleeping still, but I'll have to talk to one of my doctors about it if it keeps up. I'm getting sleep just waking up on the hour every hour it seems. But that is not what you tuned in to hear about today you came to hear a fish tail. And you shall. So without further ado on with the show.

The Mysterious Outsider In The City Under The Waves
    It was just after dawn when she crashed through the surface of the ocean unconscious. Two men swam up from the still lit city to catch her in mid fall, their tails barely disturbing the ocean. They caught her high above the city putting a mask of bubbles over her face and realized to their shock that she had legs instead of a tail. But still they brought her down into the city below, taking her straight to the hospital. They alerted their superiors to the situation immediately upon arrival, as the hospital was thrown into a frenzy of action and shock.
    It had been centuries since anyone with legs had been seen in this world, and no one knew what this meant. Religious leaders predicted it meant the end of the world as everyone knew it. Political leaders called for calm as they investigated. The result of which was a mix of calm and panic. The police did their best to manage it all, but it was a difficult task at best.
    People looted stores in some cases, others ate with abandon. Some sold homes without planning for the future and gave up all their worldly possessions. Others stayed locked in their dwellings hiding from the chaos as they tried to keep come as still others hoarded things. A few though swam to the surface and tried to breathe the surface air falling back to the bottom unconscious and having to be rescued. They were taken to the hospital and kept separate from the female with legs who was under quarantine until they could get answers from her.
    It took a full 48 hours of this before she finally woke up startled by her surrounding and grasping at the bubble mask. She fluttered around the room in panic screaming. Then wondered how she was able to do so underwater. She stared in shock at first then screamed in surprise when the doctors came in. They spoke to her soothingly assuring her that no one was going to harm her.
    Finally she calmed herself sinking onto the hospital bed and the first thing she asked was, "Where am I, what is this place?"
    The lead doctor smiled softly and replied, "You're in Central Hospital in Coralopolis the largest city under the waves."
    "I've never heard of it, last I knew I was in New York City," she countered.
    "I've never heard of that place either so we are even. But let's start with something simple like what your name is?" the doctor inquired
    "Oh how rude of me even in an unknown place. I'm Emma, Emma Watsmith," she answered extending her hand.
    "A pleasure to meet you my dear," the doctor said taking her hand gently in his. "Now how ever did you come to be falling towards our city?" he pressed further
    "I'm not sure I was on a beach in New York and stepped in a hole and next thing I knew I was waking up here," Emma answered.
    "Interesting," was all the doctor said to that. "By the way my name is Sam Mathews or Doc Mathews."
    "Nice to meet you Doc Mathews, I wish it was under better circumstances," Emma remarked smiling weakly.
    "I'll leave you to rest and we'll try to find you something to eat as well," Doc Mathews said as he and his team left the room.
    Emma lay there wondering where she had fallen into and what was going to happen to her next. She was scared but she knew she could face it. She squared her shoulders and got ready to face whatever came next.
The End?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Discovering The Internet

    Still waiting to hear on my computer though I'm hopeful that I'll hear something today. It will be good to get back to working on my own computer as much as I'm grateful to my friend for me letting me use theirs. It just isn't quite the same. It's like a piano player sitting down to a piano other than their own. It plays the same but it doesn't feel quite right. It's the same for me with computer keyboards. Though I can adjust overtime, but it takes me a long time to adjust.

    Mind you in my younger days I was much more flexible than I am today. I could jump on any computer as a teenager and even in my early twenties. Then I feel into habit of using one computer and got comfortable with one certain keyboard and a type developed with me. But it was in my teens that I discovered the internet. I was introduced to it through email by a friend in high school when I was in Gorham. He was talking about one of his email pen pals and wanted me to meet her and so I created my first email account back then. It was a friendship that lasted a long time. Her name was Lacy. We talked about all sorts of things but somehow lost touch. Hers was one of the first websites I ever visited. Slowly after that I started looking up info on the internet instead of just using computers for writing. I was constantly staying late and coming in early to use the computers at school for the internet. It was one of those times that got me involved with the drama club, but that is a story for another time.

    Even when I moved backed to Portland I was constantly checking my email since it was how I stayed in touch with a lot of my friend from back in Gorham. Plus send them my writing to edit for me. It was around when I was 18 and had become a member of Amistad that I discovered chat rooms and instant messaging. It was a whole new world to me. I was constantly meeting new people on a daily basis back in those days. Most of them are gone now, just lost contact over time.

    Then around 24 I got my disability and got my first ever laptop as well as AOL. That was another new experience for me as well. I made some friends but again most lost contact with me in the end. I even met my soon to be ex-wife (Paperwork is all that is left to be done) on the internet and we talked for years before she came to Maine. Over the years I have met tons of people online and some have stayed and some have lost touch with me. I've also found a lot of cool sites that teach me things and help me explain things as well. Along with letting me share my passions for things with others. It has become my own little home away from home.

    While I still go out from time to time I've come to terms with being mainly an introvert. I'm comfortable that way and I might become more of an extrovert, but we'll see in time. For now I'm just being comfortable in my own skin and working on being better at being me. It'll take time but I'll perfect it as best I can. How did you discover the internet? How has it changed over time? Let me know in the comments below. For now I've got to go because my stomach is growling in protest. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of breakfast.*

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Jim Butcher

     I know I'm early it's such a surprise. But midnight passed me by as I was sitting up sipping my Coke and Rum. So I figured I would get a jump start on the day as long as I was up and write my blog entry for the day. Hopefully today is the day I get my computer back, but no guarantees. Not even sure I will sleep tonight, but oh well. I'm getting used to these sleepless nights which is a scary thing. But I was always a night owl.
    So today we are talking about famed bestselling author Jim Butcher author of the series The Dresden Files, and the series Codex Alera. Plus a forthcoming novel starting a new series in September. He is a busy, busy writer. Some of where he gets his world building ability is from Dungeons & Dragons, which he still plays to this day. Yes despite looking like a Hollywood badass he is a geek at heart. But he does enjoy the outdoors more than some of us.
The first series he started out with, The Dresden Files, was originally set in Kansas, but his writing teacher said he had to have a better known setting so he looked at the globe. He knew New York was overdone and he didn't like Los Angeles so he settles on Chicago. And he has never regretted it since despite all the research he has to do at times. It has in some ways become like a second home to him at times. He outlines the series to be twenty books with an apocalyptic trilogy to conclude it. So far we are on book 15 with a book 16 forthcoming. I'm always eager to read them when they come out like a pizza hot out of the oven. He puts Harry through pure hell as we follow him first on his private detective jobs as a wizard and then more as a wizard than a private detective.
The second series he came out with Codex Alera is rumored to have been on a bet in a writing chat room. He basically said that he could write a series on three things and was given Pokemon, The Lost Roman Legion, and the Civil War I believe it was. Out of those three things we were given an amazing six book series that I still have yet to finish. I'm working on it though.
And all I know about this third series is that it is supposed to be steampunk. Which has me and a lot of his fans wondering what to expect. Though none of us expect anything but the best from Jim Butcher. Well why are you all standing around here still listening to my go on and on go find some Jim Butcher to try, *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of some coffee to cure his hangover.*

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Imagining The Days Of The Week As People

    As I sit here writing this my computer is still in the shop. But today we are going to do something interesting. We are going to try and turn the days of the week into living breathing characters. This is a challenge I've been looking forward to since discovering the prompt on Pinterest. Yes you heard right I finally caved and got a Pinterest Account. So far it's pretty good and I've enjoyed it a lot, despite thinking I wouldn't. But without further ado on with the show.


Imagining The Days Of The Week As People
    We often walk through the days of the week without giving I much thought. But what if you interacted with the days of the week as people each time their day popped up. How would they appear or act or even sound? Would they be friendly or not? Today we explore that exact thing. We'll start at Monday and go to Sunday to show that the week is a diverse cast of characters both good and bad.
    With Monday people are never happy to see her so she tends to be crabby and anti-social. She also has that just rolled out of bed look, and complaining of having to go to work. And is grumpy even when the work day is over and just wanting to go home. Not wanting to cook anything complicated either. If you are going over to her house on her day expect to eat something simple.
    Tuesday has always been a complicated day, feeling more like the nice day to start the week. He always shows up on time to work in a bit of a happy mood to be there. Wearing a suit or just in general looking neat and nice. He works hard and happily always looking for places to help out. And is happy when the day ends and even offers to hang out at someplace like a coffee shop after work. When he finally goes home he'll look through his recipes and through together whatever looks good for the night.
    Now Wednesday can be an obnoxious prick at points in the day with his guess what day it is jokes. But he is just trying to boost morale that may have fallen as the week has worn on. He is dressed a bit more flamboyantly than normal trying to impress the ladies, especially if he is single. Even trying to work harder to impress everyone and invigorate everyone to work harder as well. By the end of the day everyone either wants to hang out with him or shoot him on sight. It's a 50/50 shot with him on any given week. So he'll ether go out with the work crew and grab a bite to eat or grab take out on the way home.
    Thursday is just dragging from all the energy the rest of the week and while still be dressed nicely she'll kind of drag through the work day despite trying her hardest to be chipper and upbeat. She gives it her all and is friendly with the work crew and customers. But the week is getting to her. If only it were the end of the week she'll be thinking. She'll go home and have leftovers most likely nothing special.
    When Friday hits she is excited for the end of the work week. And if company policy is allowing of it she is wearing those tight sexy jeans to show off her curves. As well as be more comfortable in her own skin. She'll flirt here and there and ask people what they are doing after work. She'll work super hard and be super happy and friendly all day. When the end of the day comes it is out to dinner and then partying all night.
    As Saturday comes crashing in he is waking up with a hangover and wondering what the hell hit him. He'll wake up and get some coffee to help wear away the hangover then make breakfast. Then it is off to household chores and projects he has been putting off throughout the week. But when the sun goes down he is grilling and throwing a massive party at his place long into the night.
    Sunday slowly creepy in and she is feeling a bit guilty for all of her partying and think it might be a good day to be spiritual. So she makes some coffee, again for the hangover. Then makes a big breakfast and has more coffee with it as well as juice. Then spends the day doing spiritual things depending on her faith. Around noon she makes dinner and invites the whole family over so they can feast. They spend the afternoon together talking and watching sports as well as playing games. When nighttime comes they eat a light meal as they are still fairly full from the noontime meal and have some coffee before heading home to start the week all over again.
    As you can see the week has a diverse cast of characters and they are well to do. They all have their little quirks and moods and eating habits. Be interesting to see them play out in just the right story together. But that is another thing for another time. We all have been a day of the week at some point in our lives or are different days in different parts of our lives. What day are you on right now?
    I hope you enjoyed the essay. Did I get the days right do you think? Let me know in the comments below. Hope to see you back tomorrow when we are in the library. *Tips his hat and goes in search of sugar.*

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Grumpy Start To The Week In Some Ways And Not So Grumpy In Others

    So this week hasn't started out the best for me computer wise, though I did have a lot of fun this morning. I went and checked on my computer around when they had thought it might be ready, trying to save them a phone call. Only to find out that it will probably be another two to four days before I get my computer back, since it has malware on it. Now don't get me wrong I like my friend's computer and it does the job I need it to. And I appreciate him letting me use it. But it is not the same as my computer, which has the keys just where I know them by heart and is set up just right for me.

    Hopefully this time when I get it back it will be perfectly working. But that does bring me out to how I was able to be out at Best Buy around that time. I couldn't sleep last night so I was up late talking to friends and my friend, John, said how would I like to go for a ride around 6 when he got off work. I said sure I couldn't sleep anyways and I wasn't doing anything else anyways.

    So he showed up around 6 and we went up towards his house and he treated me to breakfast. As well as a pack of smokes which I desperately needed since I was nic fitting bad even as I have been working to cut back to be able to quit. I'm not quit there. He took me to a place that makes the best pizza I've ever had though I'll have to get him to remind me of the name of the place. I know it by sight only so far. Maybe he will leave it in the comments if he is reading this. Then I got to meet his mom while he changed out of work clothes. She is a nice lady. Then back in the truck we went banging around Maine cranking the stereo and rolling our windows down for the good sings, Well good to us anyways.

    We laughed did little dances were smartasses, remembered old times. And in general just shot the shit. But we were having a blast doing it all. Even picking on cars that went too slow or did annoying things. We talked back to the radio. John did goofy things in general. It was good to see him relaxed and having fun for the first time in a long time.

    Now as for the rest of the week there is plenty of good things to expect here whether I get my computer back or not. On Tuesday we wll be flushing out the days of the week as characters, which has been hitting me over the head to do since I found it. On Wednesday I will fnally post my piece on Jim Butcher. On Thursday I will be diving into my discovery of the internet starting in high school and going into my early twenties. Friday I will be bringing you a mermaid story of sorts, you'll have to wait and see on that one. And as always Saturday and Sunday are up in the air as to what they will be on.

    Overall it's been a good day other than my computer not being able to come home yet, and possibly taking most of the week to be fixed. But on the bright side I got to hang with an old friend and goof around a bit as well as in general have fun and cut loose. So overall the week is looking up I'd say. How are all of your weeks starting out? *Tips hat and goes in search of more coffee.*

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Getting Frustrated With the Repair Shop About My Computer

    I got my computer back so you are probably asking why I am frustrated. Well I'll tell you why I'm frustrated. I get it back and I'm all excited and I get it to turn on and it is so exciting. Well then I go to log into school and I get road blocked by the browser. I'm like ok new security software I'll just get used to it. Then it does it to me with Facebook and gives me a weird version of it that I can't do anything on. I'm like what the fuck. So I uninstall the new software thinking it is that. Nope not that. Then I start messing around with settings (not recommended unless you know what you are doing). Mind you I only messed with the ones I knew what were what.

I even reached out to one of the tech guys at my school who is supposed to be trained to deal with this. All he could manage with it was to figure it probably had something to do with passwords. Which has got me thinking if I did something wrong logging into it. But I'm pretty sure I didn't. They also have the computer somehow saying there is no internet half the time when there clearly is. And I'm not shipping it out for another fourteen days. Especially not after I just got it back. I just want to walk in there have them flip a few buttons and give it back to me. Or am I asking for too much here in this case?

    So I called Best Buy and talked to the Geek Squad and it appears that there is a missing driver, so I have to take the computer back in. They said they will work on it there and not ship it out though so I will get it back the same day. And with how it has been working with any site affiliated with Google you might be reading this on Sunday along with Sunday Reflections. But I'm hanging in there and rolling with the punches. I really just want my computer working like it was when it was new for the most part that's all.

    So tomorrow or later today depending on when you are reading this I will update you on how my computer is doing. As well as what my plans are for next week along with thoughts from the past week. Plus I will have updates on school hopefully along with updates on my works in progress. All this and probably more as the week comes to a close. *Tips hat and walks out the door looking for something to read.*

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Story Time Friday: Observations At The Gas Station

    I know I'm running super late today, but I fell asleep after a meeting. Plus starting to purge nicotine slowly, which is making me sleep more. I'm trying to do it in a manner so that I don't become a grumpy bear. So thank you for bearing with me in the coming weeks. This will not be easy. Tonight we will be going to a space gas station and seeing what we observe, much like at the airport bar a while back. So without further ado on with the show.

Observations At The Gas Station
    Tommy had been a grease monkey at the Space Mart for as long as he could remember, which was saying a lot since he was heading into his fortieth birthday next week. He had the overnight shift so it was pretty quiet for him in this part of space. Usually the most he had to deal with were the Space Cabs coming in for fuel and a cup of free coffee, when they brought their own cups, and the occasional drunk coming in trying to get alcohol after hours.
    Usually he just called the cops on the ones after alcohol and they came and picked them up no problem. Otherwise for the most part he sat around hearing tales of the Universe from the cabbies. They got to see all sort of sights after all while he was stuck in this joint. He always said he would make the jump but always chickened out on taking the chance. Mainly because this job was steady money and that wasn't the case in the cab business.
    He seen guys coming in on a slow night bumming smokes off him and just getting by on the free coffee. As well as being thrifty with how much matter and anti-matter they bought. Those were the nights he was really glad he wasn't a cabbie even with all the sights they got to see. Despite the fact that all he did was push buttons, make coffee, and mop floors for the most part. Sure he had to put the papers out when they came in and he did a few extras out of habit when he had time, but they weren't really part of his job.
    Though he did get to drink all the coffee he wanted to through the night, and he did get to read the news first before his morning rush of colorful characters came in. They were the initial wave of the morning rush, but before they get there Tommy smokes his herbs off camera ear the back airlock since they aren't exactly legal though even there he can keep an eye on things. They renew him though and prepare him to deal with both the colorful people and the annoying people.
    Just as he finishes smoking up space walks Anthony one of the more colorful morning people to deal with. He'll talk your ear off all morning if he could, but he has to make morning mass. He never misses it especially not since his heart attack. Then as Anthony is heading out to mass in comes Bob the Contractor to read the morning paper for free over a cup of coffee. He's been doing this for I don't know how long but he always has some colorful observation. Tommy and he usually get into debates as Tommy is making coffee.
    Then Bob will say he is late for work and head out the door as the cooler guy Elmo arrives. As colorful as the previous two guys always are Elmo put them to shame as he launches into there being too much too much work to do in the day. Tommy tells him to get to it then as he goes back to making coffee. Elmo just grumbles heading for the coolers. It never fails though at least fifteen minutes before the bars come off the alcohol one or two people walk in complaining it is already time to be able to buy it, and Tommy sarcastically tells them not by his watch which is the only one that counts in here.
    So they'll go outside and wait till he removes the bars and then come buy what they came for. Peter the owner of the local laundry mat in that sector will zip over and have a cup of coffee with Tommy as he is out in the smoking section near the front airlock. They talk about how it used to be and how things are much the same out here in space. Then Peter will zip back to his laundry mat as Tommy gets ready for shift change. As the sun comes up more ships are coming in by the minute though few of them regulars like Tommy's night crew. At least not to him as he waits for his shift relief. As it arrives in the form of his sister-in-law he smiles wishing her a good day as he counts out his drawer and heads for home to prepare for another night at Space Mart.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Maria

    Ok so I'm fairly on time today after sleeping most of the day away for some unknown reason. I'm hoping I'm not getting a Spring Cold. I was also working on editing my scholarship essay as well. It is that time of year again for me when I have to be working on student aid. So I will be doing a little more writing on things other than my works in progress for a week or so. So bear with me I will be getting stuff out on time just might require me to work a little over time to get it done.

    But today we are talking about my first real girlfriend as a teenager, Maria, who was my first everything really. And granted we weren't always on the best of terms all the time. We had our fights and our issues. But we talked them out and she mostly got her way. We also talked in general more in the later years. In the earlier years it was more about making out I'll be honest. We were young and passionate and eager to explore each other. Though we went places still. Mostly the movies, and even there we made out but still watched the movie a bit.

    As we got older and went apart and back together we talked more and shared more with each other though in hindsight it appears more from me than her to me. But I may be wrong. As those moments got deeper and deeper for me I felt like our souls became one almost. It was a truly deep experience for me. I was her first everything and no I won't go into details. But slowly we drifted apart to a point.

    Though we still have a bond it isn't the same as back then. Though I find myself missing her at times I will admit, but I've already tried traveling back down that road and been told no as well as told why. But we have our bond and can still talk about anything which is good. I'd rather have her as a friend than nothing at all. Maybe this is part of the problem with having a heart as big as mine. I'm not really sure.

    But it is what it is, and I still have cherished memories, and I will always be here when she need help. A knight in shining beat up armor that is what I am. I keep my armor polished and hammer out the dents though you can still see where they have been. I'll come riding to the rescue always, that's just who I am. I'll never leave a damsel in distress, nor turn my back on an innocent. It woud be against my nature to do such a thing. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of a snack.*

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Renting Out The School

    I know I'm running late today and I'm sorry, but I slept late today. Today we are going to examining renting out a school. In this case one of my two high schools from when I was a teen. Though this one might come up again down the road in regards to renting out my university. And I encourage you to pick a school or university and think about how much you would pay to rent it out for the weekend yourself. But without further ado on with the show.

Renting Out High School For The Weekend
    To start off with I went to two high schools as a teenager so I will have to begin with picking between the two. As much as I want to go with Gorham High it is hard to get to for some people, since there is no public transportation out to there. So I will have to go with Portland High since it has public transportation to it and is near the airport in Portland as well as two bus stations.
    Next comes the hard part of determining just how much I should pay for using the school for a weekend. First you have to figure in that the school is like four floors plus a parking section in the garage next door. And in those four floors there are computer labs, multiple types of gyms, a fully stocked and working cafeteria, and an auditorium. Plus all of the classrooms to work with though you have to bring your own bedding. And we will assume they are throwing in all the utilities as well.
    Plus you are going to have around a thousand people ranging in ages from baby to around 60 something at this get together. So there will be some rowdiness but not like at a college frat party. Even though there is social drinking allowed at the get together. Anyone getting wasted will be ejected to their sleeping quarters and asked to go home the next day. But those things do figure into the cost equation.
    And we will be using the food on site which as I remember it was pretty good. So that is also a factor. But we also will be picking up after ourselves so that helps and since the trash is an included utility that goes with the cost. Plus we have some outside area for smokers since there is no smoking inside the building.
    Factoring all that in and thinking of it being on a long weekend I'd say it should be around $10,000.00 to $10,500.00. But that doesn't factor in discounts we might get or deals that could be cut with the city. That is just straight out what it is worth. And I'm probably way off in one direction or another. But that is the best I can come up with based on my thinking with no research and since the city doesn't normally rent out the school to my knowledge. Though think how cool it would be if you could party in your old high school. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of dinner.*

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday Review: Ocean At The End Of The Lane

    So this Monday we are doing a review of Ocean At The End Of The Lane by Neil Gaiman. I read this book over the course of several week in a book club I run, and found it to be a page turner. Tonight we are finishing up the book in our book club meeting, so I figured what better time to review it here than now.

    Neil Gaiman does a great job at keeping the pace moving at a steady pace. You never feel like the pace is too fast or too slow. He keeps your attentions rapt in the book turning pages, wondering what will happen next. You can hear the narrator's voice in your head as you are reading as well as hearing all the characters voices in your head when they speak.

    You can see every bit of the setting vividly as it is described. You can even get a vivid picture of how the characters look as they are described because of how well detail is used in this novel. For a small book it speaks volumes. With twists and turns in every chapter. You never know what you are going to see next, so always expect the unexpected.

    When you finish this book it will have you thinking a lot. Not going to say why because that would ruin the adventure of it all. And trust me it is definitely an adventure worth going on. This is truly a wonderful read for all ages. I give it five stars. *Tips hat and walks out the door going in search of something to drink.*

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday Reflections: Upcoming

    So it has been an up and down week for me. I'm still waiting to hear about my computer as I work to plan out my upcoming week for next week. I'm prepared for term to start though I still have work to do on scholarships, but I have the breathing room to do that. It adds to my writing load but I think I can handle it. I know I can handle my reading load as I proved I can this week with room to spare.

    I'm really looking forward to this class since it is one of the ones under my major that will help me refine my writing skills. So far I've met some really friendly people and having fun exchanging ideas with them. As well as book recommendations along with hobby ideas. It is really exhilarating and it is only the beginning of the class. I look forward to an exciting and enjoyable class this term.

    I'm also going to be pushing myself harder in my writing since as I pushed myself on the first week's work and found that I could do it, it showed me that I was not pushing myself hard enough. So this will push my timeline up hopefully. Plus it will of course allow me to get more writing out.

    As for this week in the blog I've got a review for Ocean At The End Of The Lane coming up on Monday. On Tuesday I will be doing an essay, and on Wednesday we will be discussing Jim Butcher this week. Then Thursday I will be remembering my first real girlfriend, Maria, on Throwback Thursday. Of course we will have a story on Friday as soon as I pick out a prompt for it. Then as we reach Saturday I'll probably be ranting again, but hopefully I'll be mellower this week as I give me thoughts on a topic. And then probably Sunday I will be back with some reflections on the week and what you can expect in the upcoming week.

    As we bring this week to a close we look back and think what we could have done better and what we could have changed. But it was a good week overall. Even as some things were stressful in other areas. I will be drinking more coffee next week that is for sure as I start to quit smoking. Coffee cuts the cravings. Speaking of coffee I could really use some and so I'm going to go for now. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of coffee.*

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Drunk Drivers

    Fair warning folks I'm about to go on a rant. Remember you were warned. So earlier in the week a good friend of a good friend was killed in a hit and run accident. Well come to find out it was done by a drunk driver claiming to have never seen the poor woman. This is the latest in a series of drunk driving accidents that I have seen pop up on my newsfeed in Facebook. And it is really pissing me off. I have nothing against people going out and getting drunk. That is not my issue.

    My issue is with those people that then choose to get in there car after doing so. How hard is it to save enough money out to get a cab home? Or have a designated driver even on a rotating basis? Or just go to a bar in walking distance from your house? I mean really it I not worth the risk to your car let alone other people for you to drive home drunk. Is it really worth possibly spending the rest of your life in prison for?

    But no they don't think of that all they think about is I want to get home, and they jump in their car. I really want to know what it will take to make these people not do this. Because it is stupid and reckless. So you get lucky so many times getting home after drinking. It only takes one time to wreck a family's life and yours at the same time. Then you're all like I'm so sorry. Well you should have thought of the consequences before you got behind the wheel. Hell before you even picked up the first drink.

    For those that can't find a designated driver or afford a cab just go buy your alcohol and drink at home. You'll still get drunk and can invite friends or whoever you want over. Can crank the stereo and be your own DJ and watch whatever you want on your huge television. Plus you avoid fights at the bar with strangers. And if you get the munchies all you have to do is order take out. After all drunk cooking is not a good idea either.

    We should not still be dealing with this 28 years after I learned about it. We should have matured enough as a species to handle our liquor responsibly. And yes I know a new group comes into the drinking age party every year but they should have been taught better by now. We all know teens drink it is no secret. I don't want teens being punished for drinking. I want them punished for driving drunk with a heavy hand. They need to learn at a young age like they did as toddlers what is ok and not ok. It is fucking ridiculous that we treat alcohol up till a certain age as bad. We need to focus on being responsible with it and how we act when we use it.

    And maybe we need to make a registry for drunk drivers so they can't buy cars and take their cars away when they get caught a certain number of times. Or for a certain amount of time per offense and then totally after a certain number of offenses. After all we were always taught if you can't play responsibly with your toys you don't get to have them. All I know is that this needs to stop before it drives me insane, well more insane then I already am as a writer. Thank you for listening to this PWR (Pissed Writer Rant). *Tips hat and walks out the door looking for a punching bag.*

Friday, March 6, 2015

Story Time Friday: Reaching Above The Clouds

    I know I missed yesterday's post and I apologize for that was a crazy day. Been hectic without having my computer to work whenever I want, but hopefully by next week I will have a brand new computer and be working at my own pace once again so that things will be back on track. In the meantime please bear with me as I try to stay as on schedule as I can. Today with story time we are going above the clouds to see what we can see. So without further ado on with the show.


Reaching Above The Clouds
    Hank tied his boat off at the base of the island and started to climb the cliffs. He knew that no one had lived to tell what was behind the clouds, but still he climbed. He just had to know what was up there. As he climbed the handholds became more jagged, and he passed carabineers from previous climbers that had been declared dead that had come before him. But still he refused to turn back. He was determined to find out what was up there in those clouds.
    As Hank got closer to the clouds he thought he heard voices and other noises. But he figured he was just hallucinating because of the low level of oxygen at this height. Just below the clouds he found a ledge to take a rest. He was anxious to get above the clouds but he didn't want to be exhausted when he got there either. So he took the time to rest yet still he could swear he heard voices and other noises coming from above.
    Finally after he had rested for about an hour Hank started climbing again, covering his face as he began to climb into the cloud. As he did the noises began to get louder as did the voices it seemed to him, but he was sure he was hallucinating so he just kept climbing. The rock face plateaued as he came up out of the cloud and he sat down on it facing out towards the cloud to catch his breath, taking a few sips from his canteen.
    Hank slid back several feet before turning to get up. It was then that he saw it, a sprawling city far advanced beyond anything he had seen in the modern world. The city seemed to hover just above the plateau slightly. The roads shined of some sort of electrical material as did all the rooftops. There were windmills all along the outside of the city. The buildings appeared to be made of glass and the vehicles driving on the roads only made a slight humming noise.
    Hank was speechless at what he was seeing, and wondered if the other climbers that had come before him were in this city. As he took a step forward slowly heading towards the city three human looking figures came from the city towards him. He wasn't sure what their intentions were, but he wanted as much space between him and the plateau's edge as possible when he met them. So Hank continued walking towards them cautiously. As Hank got closer to the city he noticed trees mixed in with all the buildings.
    As Hank got closer he noticed the three figures were very human looking other than the pointed ears and ivory skin. They approached slowly as if not wanting to appear threatening. They were dressed in bright colorful clothing that seemed to blend with the trees of their buildings. As Hank and the human like figures met a ways from the city the lead figure held out a hand and Hank shook it.
    "I'm Sheroon, this is Oroom, and Morock," the lead figure called Sheroon introduced himself and his companions as he shook Hank's hand. "We are Elves, and this is our city where we have remained hidden for millennia. You must have many questions and all will be answered in time. Let us escort you to the city where you can rest and eat."
    "Thank you. And yes I do have questions, but you are right they can wait for now I am starving. I thought Elves were a myth though," Hank replied.
    "We once lived with humans long ago, but retreated hear as our two people took separate paths," Sheroon explained as they walked towards the city together.
As they walked toward the city the clouds seemed to envelope them and the city making it appear as if nothing had ever been there.
The End?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Sylvia Stein

    Well I took my computer into Best Buy yesterday to be looked at, and they sent it out for repairs. I'll know within five days if they are going to fix it or replace it. IF they fix it, it could take fourteen days to get back to me. But never fear a friend of mine has agreed to share his computer with me in the meantime. So the blog will continue on schedule.

    But enough rambling from me, today we are talking about author Sylvia Stein who is a good friend of mine. She is the author of the novelette Closure, a short story in Around The Fire: A Collection Of Holiday Stories, and the forthcoming novel Chasing Clarity. She is a wonderful author and an even more wonderful friend. When you read her work the characters come alive in your mind. You can actually hear them speaking and narrating the story.

    Her plots are emotional and charismatic, making you smile and tear up in parts. She takes you on an emotional journey with her stories every time. Her tales weave left and right from beginning to end. They are what one would call page turners. And you are always left wanting more.

    As I said before as amazing an author Sylvia is she is even more of an amazing friend if that is at all possible. She is sweet, caring, kind, and always speaks her mind. She also is always checking up on her friends to see how they are doing. And she is always willing to lend a helping hand or an ear to listen. She's cheered me up on many occasions when I was down or upset about something.

    I can't say enough good things about Sylvia Stein to do her justice. Words can't express how much her friendship means to me. If you have not checked out this wonderful woman's works then I encourage you to do so. I'm sure you will enjoy them immensely. And I will be covering her release of Chasing Clarity if she ives me the privilege and reviewing it for the blog as well. So please do go out and check out Sylvia Stein. *Tips hat and goes in search of coffee.*

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Libraries Or Post Offices

    So once more we dive into essays and this time it has to do with libraries and post offices. Also on an important side note my computer is acting up and going into the shop today, so my plans for the rest of the week might be delayed possibly. Just a heads up in case something goes wrong. I'm hoping it is just something that can be simply fixed, but we will see. So right now backing up files as I write this and making sure everything is in order for when I take my computer into the shop. But on a brighter note I'm on vacation from school this week and got a B+ in my last class. So overall it's been pretty good. But without further ado on with the show.


Libraries Shall Survive Long After The Post Office
    So today we look at which will last longer libraries or post offices. I can tell you with certainty that libraries will be running ling after post offices have gone extinct. That does not mean we will not be getting packages, letters, and maybe even junk mail. It just means it won't be done by the post office anymore. Libraries on the other hand will still be doing what they have been doing for centuries as well as more long after that has happened. Changes are already happening in both areas heading towards this future as we speak.
    First and foremost independent contractors are doing more of the package delivery than the post office every year. While the post office is doing less business every year in general forcing it to raise prices more and more. This causes it to lose more and more business each year slowly. Though not in the junk mail department somehow. Eventually independent contractors will take over completely when prices get too high for people to put up with and other means of dealing with certain things become the normal way of doing business.
    On the other side we have seen libraries modernize in the 1990s with computers and internet. They have even started lending out eBooks now as well as ereaders. They also have made space for people to come in with their own devices and use the library's Wi-Fi. In addition to having the most up to date magazines and newspapers for people to read as well as a huge collection of books in most libraries as well as graphic novels now and comic books. The library is constantly modernizing and going with the flow to keep itself current and useful. They only charge with fines unless they are selling old books that have been updated in the collection.
    Furthermore the modern library has been around longer than the modern post office as well. The modern post office as clear as I can figure as been around since maybe the 1800s with the modern library being around at least in the 1600s if not earlier. I'm sure my Historian Friend, Jeni Kirby, will correct me on that with a more detailed year in the comments. But I'm confident it will show that the library is older than the post office. Since before the post office it was couriers and the pony express delivering mail to everyone, which is what it will basically go back to being eventually in a sense.
    I also know I will get people saying that there have been prediction of the downfall of the post office before and they were wrong. I'm not saying when anything will downfall just which will outlast the other and that the foundation for it happening is already in place. It could be decades before one goes extinct for all I know. I have an idea of when but that is not the argument I'm here to make. The argument is which will outlast the other.
    In the end libraries were here first and serve a more diversified purpose than the post office. In the end the libraries will be here long after the post office has vanished. They have stood the test of time through centuries of change and innovation much like the books they hold. They may change shape and how they share the books but they will still be here long after the post office is gone. Think of it like this which would you rather do go get a book for free or even sit and relax reading for free. Or would you want to open a box to junk mail and bills on a daily basis. *Tips hat and walks out the door to go get coffee.*

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Ramblings And Rants Today

    So why this title you might be asking yourself as you are clicking into today's entry or even onto the blog for the first time. Well I had some time to sit back and think about what Mondays were and on some level the bigger picture of everything. And as I was thinking I was like everything has a beginning, middle, and end. So my week begins on Monday as it does with most people, which made me think Monday should normally be about beginnings. Now that doesn't mean the rest of the blow is switching around titles. Though I might do something about Saturday, not sure yet on that one.

    And I really have to stop looking at Facebook before coming onto here to do the blog, because it just keeps making my head explode. Not literally obviously but still you get the idea. Today's culprit is Scott Walker the Governor of Wisconsin who has compared Unions to ISIS. But then we also have the other Republicans doing some fairly equally crazy bat shit stuff in other states as well as Washington D. C. One has said we should stick cameras down the throats of pregnant women in place of ultra sounds. Another thinks Cancer is a fungus and can be just washed away. And in the capitol of our country in New England where winter is always snowy and it is still winter. A Senator called having snow this time of year unseasonably cold. I'm just waiting on the next crazy idea to pop into my newsfeed or stupid one whichever comes first. At this point I should start investing in pain reliever companies at the rate the Republican Party is going.

    I know not everyone will agree with me for their own particular reasons. Just elect some sane people who will govern is all I'm asking for. They can stand for principles, but let them be benefiting you. So far these new jack offs only want to help the rich tear everything down and make you and me poorer and harder to get education and better off in life. Tell them to rethink this ideology and come back with a better one. I don't mind arguing on gun control, normally me and those I argue with come to a fairly decent understanding. I don't mind arguing half a billion topics. But what is happening to working class families now is just wrong and the Republicans know there plan is just bad but refuse to veer off course.

    I'll get down off my soap box for now, but I'll be back up there at times. You don't have to agree with me always, and I understand and respect you right not to agree with me. If we all always agreed the world would be a pretty boring place. I like sharing ideas and debating that is the type of disagreeing I wish went on more often. Not wars and killings. A question I find myself asking myself over and over again is why we are so harmful to each other. I'm still trying to fully answer that one.

    I'm finally getting back into my routine today and it feels good, but it is going to be a hectic week with me being out and about every day of the week. Maybe even through the weekend. And as much as I've come to realize I'm mostly an introvert I'm actually looking forward to it. Maybe because it is a different adventure every day. Hopefully you are all having a good start to your week. *Tips hat and walks out the door looking for more coffee.*