Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Mick Foley

Sorry for being away yesterday, I woke up late and just was in a bit of a procrastinating mood. And before I knew it the day got away from me. But it was a good day I got some reading done. I also did some thinking. Still working on an idea I am having about trees and Wi-Fi. It will filter through my head into something eventually. Either a story or an actually productive idea not sure which yet. Still dealing with a craving for Pepsi that started at 2 AM yesterday and it is driving me batty. Enjoying class this week so far. I’m still a kid at heart I discovered recently as I was looking through an email about stuffed animals and found three I wanted to buy. I just think stuffed animals are cute what can I say. I’ll post pictures in a future column don’t worry.
            But today is not for talking about stuffed animals, today we are in the library. And our topic of discussion is author, wrestler, comedian, and dad, Mick Foley.  Mick started out his long career as a wrestler, which is how he earned his fame initially. He put his body through hell for us the fans. But when he was offered a chance to write his own autobiography up to a point in his career he jumped at the chance. Becoming a New York Times Bestselling Author in the process.
            Mick doesn’t use a lot of fancy words or anything like that. He just tells it like it is and cracks a joke or two here and there. Often at the expense of his friend, Al Snow. But he finds the right rhythm for the story. And writes like he is talking to you on your couch. Just sharing stories left and right. And you are sucked in reading along like an apt listener. He has written 12 books in a mixture of fiction and non-fiction as well as in a mixture of books for adults and kids. And I have yet to read a bad Mick Foley book.
            Currently Mick is a stand up comedian and doing a damn good job at it. He does a lot of story telling in his act both about wrestling and his home life. He doesn’t swear in his act for the most part either. It is very much family friendly from what I have seen of it. He wants everyone to enjoy his show. The guy is all around friendly and tries to meet as many of the fans as he can after each show as well. Always willing to sign an autograph too. He is a major Santa’s Village junkie as well. Unfortunately he can’t go on all the roller coasters he wants to because of injuries, which is a bummer because he is also a roller coaster enthusiast. When you get to meet Mick Foley you walk away thinking you have met the nicest guy in the world basically.
            I hope you have enjoy my look at Mick Foley today. And I hope you will check out both his books and his comedy show as well. I have an idea for tomorrow but first I have to see if something else doesn’t pop up first since there is another one popping up that might allow me to get up on my soap box. For now I have to get my butt in gear on studying since I have a Discussion Board due tomorrow. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the study.*

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