I know I have been silent the past couple of days and I’m
sorry for that but been pretty crazy around here. Nothing I can go into detail
about though. As I write this there is a thunderstorm going on outside, and it
is music to my ears. Always has been for the most part. And I know normally I
have a spiritual reflection up on Sundays, but I just wasn’t feeling it today.
So I figured we could chit chat over coffee, and just reflect over the week
since I failed to do so on Saturday. Kind of decompress if you will.
It has been a long but good week. I got my school work
done early. I even have a topic mostly planned out for my final project and my
Professor is willing to help me with it to a degree. Going to require me
picking up some more books of course. But I don’t mind one bit. My plan is to
use Jurassic Park as I research the Chaos Theory. Have been interested in it
since I was in fifth grade. Now I get to do a paper on it finally after all
these years. I’m planning to try and have my school work done early this week
as well. My friend, Jeni, really has rubbed off on me when it comes to study
habits. She works so hard at it that it inspires me to push harder as well.
Speaking of Jeni we finally reconnected after many weeks
of not talking. It was good to be talking to her again. Got me staying up late
again since that is what my late nights have been reserved for, for so long was
talking to her till the wee hours of the morning. Her smile brightens up any
room just how she is. And yes I am overprotective of her and always will be. She
knows it and accepts it too. But she is just as overprotective of me, which
always makes me blush. And whoever we end up with has to understand that
connection we have.
Connections are important in life. They lift you up when
you are down and help you out when you need it. As well as help heal you when
you are wounded mentally or spiritually. Sometimes they last only a few minutes
or an hour. Other times they last years or even a whole lifetime. I have been
lucky enough to have a lot of the lifetime ones. Well at least ones I see as
lasting my whole lifetime. I’ve had others last only a bus ride or wait time in
a waiting room, but sometimes that was all the other person or I needed. I know
when these things occur that I am right where I am supposed to be at that
I don’t run when things get difficult. I stand my ground
and I fight. Come at me all you want, make fun of me, hit me, whatever. But
when you mess with my family and that includes my friends. Then you are just
asking for trouble. I don’t care what happens to me. But when it comes to them
I am a beast and extremely overprotective. Think of it as a six foot Godzilla
that is protecting what matters to him most. Once you set out to harm them you
are bound to see me standing in your way. And you will not get through me even
if I die in the process.
If I sound a bit feisty today, well I am. And some will
understand why from this week. Others just have to trust me that I am justified
in being this way. I don’t rile easily now a days, but when I do I am
justified. I don’t go looking for trouble, trouble comes to me. I hope overall
you have enjoyed today’s little chit chat. Feel free to leave your thoughts on
it below in the comments section. For now I am thinking I want some Hot
Pockets. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*
Loved it and love you the way you are my friend, Lovely post!