Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Starting The Week Off Strong

I know I am late today but I had to go to counseling first. And then I needed a nap. But the week is starting out strong. I’ve already started school work, and gotten a jump on my reading. Both personal and for school. And planning to have my schoolwork done early so I can tackle some cleaning to downsize my accumulation of stuff a bit. I’m feeling pretty good today overall. I got my Kim Harrison shirt in the mail the other day, which was awesome as well. I’m also getting ready to do a wardrobe change soon as well.
            Nothing too drastic just changing from sweat pants back to jeans. And some more cool tee shirts from the internet. Going for that serious yet relaxed look. Although if it was required I could do the suit thing. I will get one eventually for special occasions. Just not yet probably closer to graduation. Especially since I am working in losing weight, and really need to get back on track with that. I also might try Rogaine to get some of my hair back, which will mean actually having to get haircuts instead of chopping it all off like I normally do. Still not sure on that though. I know I don’t want a beard though so I have to be more diligent about that.
            I’m also planning a couple subscription boxes as well. One for books and the other for Magic: The Gathering cards as well as whatever else they send. Just this way I can get some more stuff I like for decorating my room and bookshelves. Plus I will get more cards for deckbuilding. Along with more books for my collection.  As well as giving my book collection more variety. I might add a box after a while for more variety in decorations we will see. Only time will tell on that one. I might just pick and choose on my own as well. I have a few things in mind already.
            As the day is drawing to a close I am getting ready to curl up with a good book and maybe a magazine article as well and just relax. It’s been a long day. Still waiting for my friend, Jeni, to pop on. But I am sure she will be here eventually. But I have plenty to keep me busy while I wait, and if necessary I will brew some coffee as well. After all I had a good nap so I should be good to go for a while. But I think I will leave schoolwork till tomorrow. I might get tomorrow’s blog out early, who knows.
            I hope you enjoyed this little bit of rambling to get the week started. Feel free to leave comments below about how your week is starting or what you think of the start of my week and the plans I have. For now I think I will brew some coffee. *Tips his hat and heads towards the coffee brewer.*

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