Now fair warning for today folks I am going to be getting
up on a soap box at some point. Remember you were warned. With that out of the
way I will say that this week has been an interesting way so far this week. I’ve
gotten back into my old habit of sleeping all day and being up all night. I’m
starting to find my text book a bit boring compared to other things I am
reading. But I am staying on top of my studying still. After this I am going to
be writing my Discussion Board or I might be taking a break from this to write
my Discussion Board depending on timing. I’ve also gotten wrapped up in The
Sims Build I game. So I am going to be adjusting my schedule a bit.
But what got me on to sporting events for today was that
I was reading about a group of Native American kids who went to a minor league
hockey game and got verbally assaulted with racial slurs as well as having beer
poured on them. Only one of the men involved is being charged and only with
disorderly conduct. Personally I find this outrageous and disgraceful in this
day and age. First this clearly shows an example of people who shouldn’t be
allowed to drink much less be allowed out in public. Second it shows that in
some states in this case South Dakota the Justice System has a long way to go
in racial equality when it comes to protecting people from certain individuals.
It seems sports fans are behaving worse and worse as time
goes on to me. I remember when I was a young kid going to the races on Saturday
Night. I don’t know about the behavior of the people in the pits or the track
lounge aka track bar. But I do know the general fans were fairly well behaved
though there were dueling chants for drivers. We all ate our refreshments and
some bought raffle tickets, but we all had a good time. When there was a crash
we worried about the drivers’ safety.
Now there are examples of bad behavior I have observed as
a kid as well. In seventh or eighth grade we had a minor league basketball team
in Portland, ME, and the team gave away tickets to us middle school students.
We all went and supported the team but some of us were rowdier than others and
would trash the place. I wasn’t one of them, but I could see it happening in
the arena around me. I enjoyed the games personally.
When I was in high school my dad and grandfather took me
to see a minor league baseball game. It was amazing at the time though I have
lost my enjoyment for the game. It just moves too slowly for me now. But I like
live games a bit still I think. I still follow the local teams just don’t watch
the games like some do. Though I might listen to them on the radio again like I
used to for the old time feel again someday. But my point was every there was
well behaved even the drinkers and having a family friendly good time.
And to the most relevant of the past events I have been
to. Starting in my high school years if I remember right. I started going to
minor league hockey games for the Portland Pirates. The fans can be a little
rowdy towards the opposing team. But they have never had a fist fight in the
audience that I know about. Much less beer being poured on kids or anything
unkind being said to kids. It has always been a family friendly time for
everyone. Part of the reason I like going to the games.
Maybe that is why I also don’t get why fans riot and loot
when their team loses or wins a major game. It just makes no sense to me. It’s like
our team lost or won let’s destroy our city. It’s like what the fuck are you on
to make you want to do that. You are an adult act like one. Not like some
teenage punk having a temper tantrum. But I will get off my soap box about
these two issues for now.
I hope you enjoyed a look back at my life so far with
sporting events even as I was on my soap box. Feel free to leave comments about
what you think of the issues I touched upon or your life with sporting events
below. For now I am going to go work on my Discussion Boards and then get some
dinner. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the study.*
Another good one Chris!