Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Ramblings: The Sandra Bland Incident

            So I’m running on two hours of sleep and as some of you can deduct from yesterday I have been reading the news again. And I can tell you it pisses me right off. Especially the Sandra Bland incident I am reading about and seeing and hearing about from Texas. Vulgar language will be used in this column today folks and it is warranted. This is just the latest in a tragic string of events of outrageous behaviors by police across the country. But I will focus on this one and one other example to keep a narrow focus on it.
            To start with the sheriff’s deputy is with admits he violated protocol yet he is given a desk job and allowed to keep his fucking job. How the fuck is he allowed to keep his fucking job when he violated the rules. He should be in a goddamn jail cell for that alone. Nevermnd all the money he will cost them in the wrongful death suit that this will cost them. As well as the excessive force suit. Oh and let’s not forget violation of civil rights suit. This motherfucker is going to cost his department millions of dollars not to mention the feds coming in as well as all the bad publicity he is generating. Yet all the motherfucker gets is assigned to a desk job what kind of bullshit is that.
            In contrast to the treatment of Sandra Bland the asshole who shot nine African Americans in a church in South Carolina was given Burger King, because the poor little baby was hungry. He should have been told tough shit wait till you get to the cafeteria at the jail. This showed extreme disrespect to the victims of the shooting. And shows just how bad there is racism among cops around the country.
            You fucking cops are begging for respect and that not all of you are bad. Well than start turning in the motherfuckers and getting them out of the force. It would go a long way to repairing your relationship with the public, but by not doing so you are part of the problem. This wall of blue silence is fucking bullshit. I understand sticking together when nothing wrong has been done. But something wrong has been done and people need to pay for it. You are public servants sworn to uphold the fucking law not motherfucking gangsters. Stop acting like you are gangsters and do your motherfucking job and get the dirty cops out of the force. Or turn in your badges and eat your fucking guns and do us all a favor. I have had enough of this bullshit.
            I’m climbing down off my soap box for now but this is far from fucking over. I am still going to speak out. Feel free to leave comments of outrage or in support. For now I am going to try and go find something to calm me down and lower my blood pressure which for now is probably through the room. *Tips his hat sharply and kicks open the door storming out of the room.*

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