Saturday, July 4, 2015

Storytime Friday: Taking A Lok Back On Life

            I had a blast yesterday hanging out with my mom, something I don’t get to do often enough. It was awesome. Was the first time all term I have really been able to relax and cut loose. As well as getting to think about some good memories. And today’s story is about relaxing and looking back on the past. So without further ado on with the show.

A Look Back On Life
            It was a nice summer morning when Charlie walked out his door in Bay View and sat on his porch across from the Quick Mart. Kids were riding their bikes, the sun was shining, and you could even hear birds singing. Plus there was the smell of fresh cut grass in the air, a smell Charlie always enjoyed. He set his coffee down on the table next to his wooden rocking chair and just looked out over the neighborhood he had known for 30 years now. He had been there a long time and seen a lot of things and people come and go. Some things had changed and some had stayed the same.
            But at 66 you don’t often realize what you have left behind you on the road of life. Charlie was rocking in his chair as he realized just this exact thing. Sure he had made a great living as a writer and been able to buy this house. But along the way he had lost touch with high school friends and even friends from college. And some friends he had just lost from disagreements and miscommunication that he wished he could go back and fix now. He sighed realizing all the wounds he had left in his wake. Wondering if maybe he couldn’t fix them online still. After all he had gotten pretty proficient with a computer over his lifetime.
            And as he was thinking about that he remembered all the good memories he had with friends over long distances from college, and high school that he had been able to reconnect with. Plus the ones he had met along his path that he stayed in contact with to this day.  As well as how he kept in touch with his family both by phone and computer. It made him smile knowing that he had at least done some good in life too.
            He also realized he was starting to get too old to take care of his garden much longer. He was thinking of having one or two of the local kids help him with that. He’d pay them three fold. One in money, two in vegetables and fruit, and three with the knowledge of being able to do this on their own someday. He smiled nodding as he thought about it. Then he thought again how he might be retired but he could still pass on his knowledge as a writer to others younger than himself. He was too old to teach he figured but he could do a lecture here and there.
            He just chuckled wondering what he was thinking about since he was supposed to be enjoying retirement not getting back into the game.  But he supposed he was never one to enjoy sitting on his butt and doing nothing. As he watched the sun go down slowly he though tomorrow is a new beginning and I will try to remember the wounds I have caused. As well as share the knowledge I have with a new generation. He picked up his long finished coffee and headed inside for dinner.
            I hope you enjoyed today’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to leave comments below about your own look backs on your lives or on what you think retirement will be like for you. For now I am going to get another cup of coffee and do some homework. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the study.*

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