Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Magazines Or Books

            I actually slept last night for the first time in a long time. It might have only been for five hours, but it was still good to go to sleep in the dark and wake up in the light. I’m feeling very energized this morning. And looking forward to a day out and about. Planning to go see Jurassic World today. I’ve seen the previous three movies so I figure why miss this one and I want to see the new Terminator movie as well at some point. Another series I have seen all the movies in. Plus I will actually get breakfast this morning as well. I might even go out to lunch as well I am feeling so good. Will be taking the computer with me as well in case I have time to kill and I want to work on my writing since I will be near the library as well. Already looked at my next class and set up for it. Feeling like I can walk out of it with a B or better as well too.  Still have to wait a little while before I can go out and rock the town though. For those that don’t know me very well this is one of my good days, my really good days. When I have them on these particular days I take advantage of them. And today I get to sport my new writer shirt so expect pictures on Facebook later.
            And I will be taking my Kindle with me so I have something to read on the bus when not talking to people. Though some people have a debate going over which is better magazines or books. Personally I like both since they each have their own unique feel. Sometimes I am in the mood for one and sometimes I am in the mood for the other. Sometimes I want to get lost in a nice big story spanning many, many pages. Other times I want to read a short story or a short article on a topic. It just depends on what my taste is at the moment. I respect those that have a preference for one over the other, which is fine you know what you like. The important thing is that you are reading and expanding your mind. Though I encourage everyone to try and pick up something that challenges your preference every once in a while to challenge your boundaries. You might find something you like when you do.
            I’m not saying do it all the time just once in a while here and there. It will keep you on your toes. It can even be in the same vein as what you read in your own preference if it helps. For those for prefer books there are magazines covering every genre and every sort of topic. And for those into magazines there are books of every genre with stories about almost anything you can think of as well as stories being created about new things every day. With both magazines and books I have taken at least hundreds of journeys around the world and through time and space as well as to worlds that have only existed in the minds of writers and readers. And I consider that a privilege. One I enjoy every day I get the chance to. I try to make time to read every day. Even if for just an hour or two. If I could I would make it a family affair. I think in the future as my dad gets older I will be reading to him at some point.
            For now I have to start getting ready to go out and about. Feel free to leave comments below about what you like better magazines or books, and what types. And do try to make reading a time a family affair when you can. I know it is hard to do in this day and age but it is important. For now I need more coffee and a good hot shower. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the showers.*

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