Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Autobiographies And Biographies

            I know little later than some of you are used to, but I slept in today. But I have regular coffee once more. YAY!!!! We may be in the library today but I am jamming out to 90s Music. Just the mood I am in today. Computer is rocking back and forth as I am typing, definitely an interesting experience. There will be periodic dance breaks during this column so it’s going to take a while to write. But that is how it works sometimes. I enjoy it when I feel this upbeat even if it doesn’t last as long as I want it too normally. I would love to be this upbeat normally but alas I only get it a week here and there.
            But being unconventional also fits with a lot of the biographies and autobiographies I like to read, which is what we are discussing today in the library. So far I have read mostly wrestling autobiographies and part of Bill Clinton’s autobiography titled My Life. The best of the wrestling ones have been by Mick Foley who writes his own and uses a lot of humor in how he tells his stories in his multiple books covering his career. He writes in such a way that it is like you are sitting down and having a conversation with him. Adam Copeland better known as Edge writes in much the same way in his though with less humor.
            I have finished reading Bill Clinton’s yet but it is a bit dry yet flows smoothly and you can hear his voice in the text as if he were speaking them to you. So it does have some charisma, much like when you hear one of his speeches. So far he seems to be being fairly open and honest in his book. But I haven’t gotten to any of the really controversial stuff yet, so how open and honest he is remains to be seen. But I am liking it so far and plan to pick it back up soon.
            So some of you might still be asking why it is good to read autobiographies and biographies. It gives you insight into the lives of people you might admire or just want to know more about for whatever reason. From celebrities to Presidents to entertainers to artists to writers etc. They can give you inspiration or motivation to accomplish something. They can show you something from a different angle. They can show you knowledge that you might learn on your own given time, but with these type of novels you can learn quicker and get wiser quicker. And at the same time they can be entertaining in some cases. They can bring history to life much better than a History Textbook as well.
            I encourage you to pick up an autobiography or a biography and see what you can learn about a person you are interested in or admire. I hope you have enjoyed today’s discussion in the library. Feel free to leave comments about your favorite autobiography or biography or why you don’t like them below. For now it’s getting near dinner time and I am a bit hungry. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the kitchen.*

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