Friday, July 3, 2015

Thursday Throwback: Going To The Movies

            I know the post is extremely late but I was out today spending time with my mom. It was a great day today. Got to hang out with her at her house for a bit and commune with nature. We did a standup routine on the way to dinner. And talked in between. It was just a really great day. I didn’t make it to the movies yet but the month is young and I still have time for that as well. Sometimes things just come up and I would much rather make it to the Portland Art Museum tomorrow when it is free then have to worry about whether I can get in or not. Albeit I am a little sore tonight, but hoping I will be feeling better in the morning.  We’ll see what happens. But as I was typing about going to the movies yesterday I was flooded with memories of all the times I went to the movies.
            So I figured it would back a great topic for today. The first time I remember ever going to the movies was my grandparents taking me to see The Land Before Time. I had popcorn and everything. I was mesmerized by the dinosaurs and even cried during it. I was a big dinosaur fan back then and still am.  Ever since then I have been in love with the theater experience. The next movie I remember seeing in the theater was the Spice Girls’ movie went I was like ten or so. I got taken to a dinner and movie place by my stepmother for that one and I had a pretty good time. Though I still prefer the classic movie experience over all. I also remember a handful of times my mom and my friends went down to the Nickelodeon here where you paid a buck per movie and saw some movies but can’t remember which movies.
            But one memory that sticks out in my mind is the first time I was allowed to go to the movies without a chaperone with a friend. It was a 9:30 PM showing of Mortal Kombat. I went with my friend Albert and we had the whole theater to ourselves it was awesome. It was like a Siskel & Ebert moment of sorts. It empowered me greatly as well. I don’t remember much about the movies when I went with my girlfriends in middle school and high school I was too busy making out in the back in the shadows like a typical hormone driven boy. Though I do remember the first movie my friends took me to after Maria broke up with me the final time, it was American Pie. I laughed through the whole thing even as I was depressed still, and feeling like a third wheel. It wasn’t their fault they did their best to make me feel included. I just felt so broken at that point was all.
            Then I started going back to the movies after I had gotten my disability and found my love for them once more especially with The Harry Potter movies. I also enjoyed The Hobbit moves among others. I’ve been trying to make it a regular thing lately to try and get to the movies. Just because I enjoy it so much and there are so many good movies out there. I may eventually try my hand at reviewing movies here as well. For now feel free to leave your comments about your favorite theater experiences or even favorite movies. For now I am off to get a midnight snack before the sun comes up and I have to get working on tomorrow’s column. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the kitchen.*


  1. Loved it and my first movie in the theater that I recall was going to see Snow-white the original classic with my mom and my aunt Gloria. I loved the disney movies.

  2. "Far From Home, The Adventures Of Yellow Dog" was the first one I remember my parents letting me and siblings go to alone, but we saw other movies as a family over the years. I don't remember what my first date movie was but he wanted to make out and I wanted to watch the film. I know I've been to iMax before, but can't remember what I saw. I haven't been to any movie theater since approximately November of 2006, and it was a $1 theater.
