Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Graphic Novels

            I apologize for there not being a column yesterday, but I was sleeping all day yesterday for some reason. And now up late again because of insomnia, which is becoming a habit. I have to be up early tomorrow as well to see the landlord for routine stuff. As well as to go out for coffee with a friend, which I’m looking forward to. Might go down to the library as well while I am out. I’m feeling pretty good though overall even if I can’t sleep. Got the writing bug in my system again once more. I’m hoping to be published this year as well at least once. Maybe more only time will tell. Found out earlier in the night I will be going to Boston later this month and seeing and meeting the band Veruca Salt, which has me excited. I’ll be honest it is my first concert ever. So I’m both excited and nervous just more excited. Plus I’m enjoying my vacation from school as well. Though being lazier than I think I should be, but probably about halfway through it I will get back into my groove to a point.
            But for today we are talking about graphic novels, and that includes comic books, manga, and anything drawn with words alongside of it. Most of us have read at least one and then at some point we were probably convinced it was childish. But now more and more adults are also reading them rejecting that thought process. And it is an outdated thought process. Graphic novels are for everyone and it is nice to see more and more adults coming back to the medium. Finding their favorite characters all over again. And even some new ones or ones that were villains before having new unique stories to be told.
            I like to open one up when I want a light read compared to what I normally read. You know something I can get through in one sitting. The stories and character building are still hard hitting. Plus the art is amazing. It just keeps getting better and better through the years. Whether black and white or in full color. I’ve read all different forms of the medium as well. It never ceases to amaze me either. And there are always new ideas coming out and characters evolving with new twists and turns. Just when you think you have it figured out there is a swerve that you didn’t see coming.
            And there is no reason you can’t mix them in with novels and magazines as well. Most take an hour or so to read at most. So you can usually pick up your monthly to read list of graphic novels and have them all read in a day. Or stretch them out over the month and read them alongside your magazines and books. Whatever way you want to read them is cool and is best since it is how you suits you that is what matters. There are a lot of great stories in comics as well with one story ending as another begins with cliffhanger after cliffhanger.
            If you hadn’t noticed by now I’m always encouraging more reading because the more you read the wiser and more knowledgeable you become. Though it may not seem it at first. As always I encourage you to check out graphic novels as we discussed here. Go to your local comic shop and find your favorite characters again or dive into manga and see some of the stories there. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. Feel free to leave comments below about what your favorite graphic novels have been in the past or are now. Or just what you think of graphic novels today. For now I’m off to do some reading myself. *Tips his hat and walks deeper into the library.*

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