Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Improving My Health

            So I finally slept fully through the night the way I wanted to, though it wasn’t easy. But I hope it will get easier as the week goes forward. Especially with the concert coming up on Thursday. I’m still working on my Math Paper, but got my topic approved. Which has made it easier to move forward. I ended up canceling counseling yesterday, because after sitting at my desk for six hours I was left sore and in pain with a major cramp.  Feeling better today though but still taking it easy. But as a result I got a writing assignment from my counselor on what I could do to prevent it from happening again basically, which became today’s prompt for the essay. So without further ado on with the show.
Prompt: How to improve my health after having laid around the house for so long.
Improving My Health
            As some of you might know already I spent a great deal of time lying in bed. Whether I am just hanging out on my computer or reading. Or whatever else I might be doing. I tried changing this Monday by sitting at my desk, which ended up lasting six hours. The end result was me being sore and a major cramp. I might also add that I had a case management meeting in between all of this as well, which I was also sitting up for. Now normally I sit around for like two to three hours at a time at most. Even then I am a little sore afterwards since it is like doing a sit up and holding it for that long for me. This is definitely not good for my health. So there needs to be a change to my situation for the future or as I see it I am doomed.
            As I was starting to look at it yesterday I remembered that when I shave and shower I break the two into two separate activities with resting in between to prevent back pain because of my weight. So I figure I should do something sort of similar with time spend sitting up. To start out with in my change of lifestyle I should sit at the desk no more than two hours without taking a rest break from it. And that rest break should be an hour or two in my normal fashion of laying down. Then either reading for an hour or two sitting up or back at the desk for another couple of hours. This will help me ease into longer times at the desk slowly. After a month I would add an hour to the desk and a half hour to an hour to the reading. Adding more each month till I could do a whole day of a combination of the two with no breaks.
            But on top of all that I need to get out of the house more as well. I knew this and was planning for it even before having to cancel counseling yesterday. I will be getting my library card back in August giving a day pass to the Art Museum once a month whenever I want to use it for starters. Plus I am going to be getting MoviePass, which will allow me to go see movies as often as I want for $30.00 a month starting in August as well, which will get me out of the house more as well. I’m a big fan of the movies. I’m also going to try and utilize the library more as well. Plus I will be getting back into playing Magic: The Gathering which will get me out of the house to play games against people as well as I build new decks to try out. I might also find my way into other tabletop games as well who knows, but for now those are my three plans for the moment.
            And while I will be doing that I won’t let my schooling or other projects suffer either. It will be hard I know but I will find a balance to it all somehow. Just as everyone in life finds their own balance between a social life and work. I think I can handle it even as I am a bit nervous about it all. But I also look forward to finding new inspirations for stories at the museum and having new pictures to share on my Facebook. I’m sure I will also be taking pictures other places as well once I start getting out. It is time for a change and that change starts now.
            I hope you enjoyed a look at my plan for change, and don’t worry you will still be getting regular posts here on the blog as well as maybe a couple of shoot off blogs. Feel free to leave comments about what you think of my planned changes or about changes you plan to make below. For now I am going to get back to work on my Math Paper. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the study.*

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