Sunday, July 12, 2015

Saturday Thoughts:Wrapping Up A Fairly Successful Vacation

            I’m sorry I’ve been silent the past couple of days. Thursday I had the column done but it was so hectic I forgot to post it. And as for Friday’s column not being up, I’m still working on the story. I’m thinking I should start a new column for Fridays when I am working on stories for that day. Just not sure what to do for it. But I am sure I will think of something. As for today it’s been pretty good. Got grocery shopping done. Other than that just been relaxing mainly, hence the column being up so late. I was going to do a review of Jurassic World but I felt like rambling today and figured I could save it for another day.
            And I did make it to the library this week as well, but it is going to cost me a bit to get my library card back since I owe fines on it. I plan to take care of it next month though right at the beginning of the month. So I am not sweating it. Will be good having another resource at my disposal for college papers. I have enough to read at home so won’t be taking books out to read at home. Though I might take out music or movies from the library at times.
            Right now I am a bit frustrated with the Postal Service. I am waiting on a package and they are late delivering it. I’m hoping they didn’t lose it. If they did someone is going to have to answer for it since it is a valuable package to me. Will be the second package the postal service has mishandled on me this year, which doesn’t make me very happy. Though UPS and FEDEX aren’t much better they just leave the package on my doorstep without knocking. At least most of the time the Postal Service either calls or puts it in my box. They have a better overall track record.
            And this is getting up late thanks to me dozing off. And still a bit sleepy. Feel free to leave comments below on anything from week below. *Tips his hat and walk out the door back into bed.*

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