Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Anothering Term Coming To An End

            Happy Fourth of July! I know it is like a double posting today but I wanted to get the story posted for yesterday even though it was so late. Seems like I needed a whole day to rest after having so much fun the other day. Terms are going by faster and faster it seems though this one dragged a bit. I ended up getting a B in it and I can honestly say it was the hardest B I ever earned. Between being sick and bouts of depression it took everything I had to get the work done. But it was worth it and I did enjoy it in the end. It also got me reacquainted with Power Point. I might be making another presentation in the future for one of my groups I’m not sure, but it feels good to know I can.
            It feels good to know that even at my worst I can get a B, so now I have my sights set on an A. Though I have my doubts about getting it next term since that class is in Mathematics, which is my week spot. But I am going to try like hell. And since it seems I will have a lighter work load than this term I might be able to catch up on my writing better. Plus I plan to experiment with SoundCloud. Might end up doing a podcast in the end who knows, but first I have to get comfortable in my own skin.
            I’ve come to realize there are a lot of things I want to do in life and just only so much time in a day. So I do what I can and accept what I can’t do. Planning to go to the library Monday before counseling and check on my library card and do a little writing while I am there. Not sure if I will walk down to counseling or hope back on the bus. Probably will depend on the weather that day knowing me.  But it would be nice to check things out of the library if I need to for reference material since lord knows I have enough reading material for personal reading and it is ever growing. Plus it would give me access to other forms of media like some CDs I might enjoy as well. I will eventually put a picture on one of my blogs of it once I take one of it.
            It is getting to the point where I will have to get a third bookshelf around here truth be told. I buy books like some people buy shoes or collectible cards. My collection is books and the signed ones each have stories behind them. I plan to pass on the collection eventually to my son. I hope he will treasure it as much as I do. By then will probably be a room full of wall to wall bookshelves knowing me. As well as all the National Geographic Magazines. I can hardly wait for the day when I get to talk to my son again and explain to him everything that happened and apologize and show him what I have done since he has been gone to try and make him proud of me.
            When we are young we always want to grow up, but when we are grown up we always long for those days when we were so young and innocent. But time only moves forward. So I hold onto my cherished memories from those days and share them through my writing. In a way it allows me to relive them. In others it allows me to live paths I wish I had been able to take. Such is the life of a writer. At least for this one.
            I swear it is always around the end of terms and on holidays I get nostalgic and today is a bit of a double whammy for it. I still have a couple of assignments to do as well which should prove interesting with me feeling like this. I’m not too worried about it though. I’ll probably do some writing later today to relief it on top of the assignments I am going to tackle. Then I’m on vacation as far as school work goes, at least for a week. It will be nice and hopefully I will have some fun that week.
            Feel free to leave comment below about the hardest grade you ever earned or just what your favorite term ever was. I kind of got side tracked today and rambled on. Guess it kind of fits the column though. For now I’m going to catch up on some news and reading before tackling my assignments. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the library.*

1 comment:

  1. In graduate school I had a semester where I made an A in one course and an F in another. Issues in my personal life that I found difficult to overcome... I nosily want to hear the story about your son. I have custody of my three children, and it's a struggle, leaving me sometimes resenting people who either don't have or aren't raising kids, even though I've no right to judge their journeys. I love tp hear other people's experiences.
