Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: I Know I've Been Harsh This Week

            I’m sitting up in the wee morning hours this morning after a power nap. It happens when my sleep pattern gets messed up. And yes I know I have been harsh this week, but it is because being nice hasn’t gotten through to these people. So it seems they need a sharp smack across the face to snap them out of whatever fantasy world they are living in. It’s sort of like when we were kids and our parents would start off scolding us softly and then when we wouldn’t listen the yelling would start. I’m sure we all remember those days. And it always ended with the inevitable go to your room. Which for some of us was not so bad, because we had books in our room so it worked for us. Nothing like what kids have in their rooms today. Now a days the bigger punishment would be go play out in the backyard for some kids.
            But I am getting off track yet again. I don’t like being harsh, which is why I try to be more upbeat in my blog. But every so often something jumps out at me in the news that has to be addressed with harshness. And I try my best to put some entertainment in there for people along the way. But yesterday it had gotten to the point where there was just no room for entertainment the message had to be clear and hard and right to the point. And I have law enforcement in my family so I am not on the outside on this one. But something had to be said. It is getting out of control and it has to stop. I don’t like having to be harsh but I get pushed to it. I try to be nice and call for change and reform and people don’t listen.
            But when you start swearing and yelling on the internet then they listen it seems. I swear I don’t get society some days. It just baffles me some of the things people latch onto from the news and spread virally. Or even some of the things people want to watch on television, which is more in reference to some of the reality shows on television still. I mean there are a few that are a bit educational. But overall I am glad to see most of them going away. Although there are some books being made into television series that end prematurely that I don’t understand why they end so soon aka Hannibal. I have only watched some of it but it was a good show and there are others like it that were good that maybe they should think about investing in streaming options more since television is evolving.  Just like radio had to evolve to streaming eventually and audio books to keep alive some of the traditions that started out on the radio. But I will cover that over the next couple of weeks on Thursdays.
            And I know you are all probably wanting a story so I am bringing out something from my closet of work. My friends Summer and Whiskey inspired me to do it with their blog. I will make sure to link you to it tomorrow. It is a great blog. And tomorrow we will be covering forgiveness. I have a few more plans for next week as well. I’m also looking into a deal where I get to go to the movies as much as I want to every month. Seems like a good deal to me so far. Just have to make sure it doesn’t interfere with my studies. But for now I am going to relax and read a bit and maybe work on some writing in a little bit. Feel free to leave comments on what you think on the multiple topics I covered today or on what I have revealed for my plans for the next week below. *Tips his hat and walks out the door strolling towards the library.*

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