Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday Insights: My Farm By The River

            So this week starts Heart of Mathematics for me. It is not too bad from what I am seeing so far. And I apologize for being silent yesterday the heat was just so oppressive it was crazy. But I am slowly getting back into the swing of things despite the heat. I’m just having to alter when I work on things at times.  Having a fan in front of me helps as does staying hydrated. I also plan to be out later in the week so that may make columns show up a little later as well. But today I wanted to look back on what I had learned from my last class, Environmental Issues, and see what I could apply to my future life from that class. Kind of like an extra credit paper just for fun if you will. So without further ado on with the show.

Prompt: If you had a farm near a river what would it be like?
My Farm By The River
            It would be nice if I had a piece of land by a nice river for a farm. Nothing like these big mega farms you see on the news or anything. Just a small little farm I can grow food on for my family, and maybe sell a little extra at a farmers’ market. But I would also be an organic farm as well and as green as possible. I’d still have internet and stuff like that don’t get me wrong.
            But I would have the farm next to a small river or stream and have hydro power imbedded in the stream. This way I wouldn’t interfere with the natural order of the stream but could still get power from it. I’d also get my water from it but have a sewage tank that had natural bacteria to break it down in it. To keep from having to have it pumped as often. I’d also have a solar powered water heater as well as Solar Panels on all of the buildings to insure I was totally self-powered. I’d even use solar powered tractors if I needed tractors.
I’d grow a variety of fruits and vegetable, doing my best to plant those that would benefit each other together. And plowing in circular patterns and planting trees on the corners that didn’t fit. I’d use drip irrigation as well as having drainage for my field as needed to try and recycle the water. I would also use mulch and human waste to fertilize the filed, which would be as far away from the stream as practical. I’d put a drainage fence between the property and the stream to keep as much runoff from my property from getting into the stream too. It would go six feet down. Plus I would also rotate the crops yearly.  
As for pests I would try to use natural remedies such as predators of pests and basic natural solutions that warded them off. Nothing harmful to the environment would be used. Especially not Neonicotinoid type pesticides. I would use pests of pests to control them. I’d have a place for Milkweed still since it promotes Monarch Butterflies though as well. I don’t want to starve out caterpillars since they turn into butterflies who are pollinators. As for other weeds I would try to find natural ways of controlling them like with using caterpillars.
Overall I would try to have my farm be a green farm with a healthy ecosystem. The environment is important to me, and as much as I can I want to live in harmony with it. As should we all, even those of us who live in the city. Nature doesn’t need us, we need Nature after all. We only have one planet and it is to our own well-being to treat it the best we can. And anyone would be welcome to come by my farm I wouldn’t make it a private property access by invitation only type deal.
I hope you enjoyed seeing a look at my farm and how I would structure it. Feel free to comment below with any thoughts about my farm or anything you think I missed or overlooked. For now I have Math homework to get to. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the study.*

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