Sunday, July 26, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: Forgiveness

            It’s about halfway between 3AM and 4 AM and I am up as usual lately it seems. I am adjusting though to get as much work done as I can when not sleeping. I realized I have to drop down to two books after this aside from the book club. Just because I have picked up so much extra reading on top of books in the past few months, and I am not sorry for it. It is more info for my brain and gives me better ideas for writing. I will get there eventually just going to take some time. I’ve also got to readjust my writing to do list and see if I can get back on track there. Plus I am going to be making an alternate column on Wednesdays about the theatre since I will be going more starting next month. But today we are talking about forgiveness, and I don’t mean forgive and forget.
            Most if not all religions encourage forgiveness in one form or another. Though even forgiveness doesn’t stop Karma from making people pay its price for their actions. But it is good for your soul and your mental health since it lets you let go of the grudge and move on from it. So that you aren’t dwelling on it and can concentrate on being happy, which is more important. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are right or wrong in whatever is going on, but it does let you move on from it. Letting you feel much better in the long run and a little better in the short run to start with.
            Though it’s not easy I will admit. I am still working on being good at it myself. And some are better at it than others, but everyone can better at it with practice. Though it is always easier if it is not required. But when it is try to have patience and step outside of the situation first and then come to forgiveness after calming down. I’ve also noticed it’s easier to forgive someone you know than those in power who you don’t know. Sometimes you will find you need to meditate on it before you can forgive.
            And forgiving is always better than losing a friendship or any type of relationship that you value as well. And while I advocate forgiveness you will rarely see me write a book where all the characters are forgiving each other because that is just boring reading. Though there might be forgiveness parts to it. And yes sometimes I will speak my outage but after I do I move on for the most part unless it is an ongoing problem that needs to continue being addressed. But with most problems I use forgiveness when I can. It keeps me fairly stress free most of the time. I still stress about stuff that is just part of life.
            I hope you enjoyed today’s column, and feel free to post your comments on forgiveness or on what you do to stay stress free below. For now I am going to get more coffee and read the paper to start my day off. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the brewer.*