Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Just Another Batch Of Random Thoughts

            I know I’ve been silent the past couple of days. That is mostly because I’ve been sleeping late and had school work to do that I got behind on, but I am back on track now. This class has proved to be a bit challenging for me. Been reading a ton the past couple of days and not just in my text book either. I’ve also had to go looking in back issues of National Geographic Magazine for information as well. But it has been a good week.
            It looks like I will get through all three of my magazines this month which pleases me greatly. I’m also making good progress in my books as well. I’ll be up late tonight reading, mostly from my text book. But that will help me sleep better since it relaxes me and it will help me retain the knowledge better. Next week will be even busier so bear with me next week if there are some missing entries.
            Also next week I am going back into my exercise routine as June starts. I’m going to give it my best shot. And since I should have everything straightened out food wise I am also going to try and eat three meals a day. I’ve been doing pretty well at not eating dinner late with a few exceptions. And when I can keep breakfast stuff in the house I manage to eat breakfast good for the most part. Still working on lunch, but it is getting there. I am trying to get my diet to a healthy place where I eat more vegetables than anything. And I wouldn’t mind being able to add some fresh seafood in there at times as well, more than what I do already. But it is a work in progress.
            I also see that Bernie Sanders is attracting followers not just from the left but also from the right. I think it is just because he is preaching common sense to the American People and they are listening. I have said it before here and I will said it again I think he has a good chance of winning in 2016. He talks about the issues the people are concerned about without making up phantoms to scare people. He talks in a no nonsense and yet common sense way. He is aggressive yet compassionate. This is the man to lead our country.
            I’ll get off my soap box for one week though. Though it will heat up as far as politically in this column when the race truly gets started. But it will be civil, barring stupidity setting me off. On a side note I was made to feel old the other day as I learned that Bob Schiefer of CBS News was retiring. Seems like all the newsmen I remember watching as a kid are retiring in these past few years. As well as the late night hosts. It does make you feel old after a while. Not so much with regular shows coming and going since that happens all the time now. Though with some of those really long running ones that come around every now and then it happens.
            I know I don’t catch everything in a news week, but if there is something you think would set me to typing or you think I should see leave it in the comments section or tag me in it when you share it or even email it to me. Trust me if it sets me to typing you will see it in the Saturday columns. And leave me your comments on what has made you feel old in the past and what you are doing to keep healthy this summer. For now I better hit the books if I want any sleep. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the study.*

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