Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday Insights: I’ll Take That French Fry If You Don’t Mind

    I'm running late for me this week on this new schedule, and I don't like it. But I'm rolling with the punches and doing my best to catch up as fast as I can. Yesterday was a good day I stayed fairly on schedule overall. I hope you are all having a good day as well today. I'm getting set for my next class, which should be fairly easy for me despite the visual project we have to do. Visual projects have always been a problem for me, but maybe not so bad this time since it is on the computer. I normally do better with writing papers. I've gotten back to my writing projects as well and working on driving them forward slowly but surely. But today is an essay day so without further ado on with the show.

I'll Take That French Fry If You Don't Mind
    It seems we are down to one french fry, and yet there are two of us. I tell you what if you let me have this one last fry I will buy another round of fries as soon as I finish it. Shouldn't be more than a few seconds. And the line is not more than maybe a person or two to get more fries. Or if you prefer after you have let me have the last fry from this place I will take you to your favorite place to have fries from for the next round.
    Is it really worth giving up so many fries for just one fry? I don't think so. I wouldn't pass up an offer like that. Besides it is covered in ketchup and you prefer your fries with vinegar on them. So see it was meant for me. What you doubt my logic? You would actually enjoy a fry with ketchup on it? I doubt it. *Munches down fry.*
    I know it was a short one but still difficult without a second person to play off of. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm hoping to have up tomorrow the books that impacted me on my reading journey tomorrow especially since I have to be up extra early tomorrow since maintenance is coming by to replace a couple of windows. My schedule will be going slightly off kilter tomorrow since I will require a nap. For now I am off in search of more coffee. Leave comments and questions below. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

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