Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday Spirituality: Opening Thoughts

    I know I'm late but I slept in since it was Sunday. Despite being still stuffed up I feel pretty good. Just jamming out to music that makes me feel good. I still have to update my play list sometime next week with some new tunes. As you can see despite this being a spiritual column I'm not going to open it up as stiff and draft as some church services can be. I prefer to be laid back and relaxed. And just be open to whatever the higher powers wish to convey through me.

    One thing I do believe is that no one religion has all the answers. I think they all have a piece of the puzzle of what is right. Some more than others. For instance I like how the Buddhists study all the religions of the world, learning from all of them. As they set out on their spiritual journey. I think the world as a whole could learn from that. Even me as a Pagan could learn from the other religions.

    Plus it would foster better understanding and communication between cultures. Since we would all be walking in each other's shoes for a little bit when studying each other's religion. Better understanding how we each see the world. How we each interact with the world as a whole. It would probably even lead to us eventually ceasing to try saying one religion is better than another. Letting everyone worship how they want without saying the other believes the wrong way.

    I think all religions lead to the same higher power just a different face is put on it in every religion. To me there is one higher power but for us to understand it we have all had to put our own unique face to it. And that face has been different throughout each culture, but the force we are worshipping is the same.

    I think that is a good starting point for spiritual discussions for now. I look forward to your comments below. Let me know your thoughts on my thoughts. I'll reply next Sunday in this column and add more thoughts to the discussion as well. I hope everyone has a good Sunday and Memorial Day. For now I'm going to go find something to eat. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the pantry.*

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