Thursday, May 7, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Growing Up In Libraries

    Little late today as well, but this time it is because I had an appointment. Nothing to worry about it was a routine appointment. Still a little sore from the walk. My schedule has been working pretty well but I realized I have no time for gaming of any kind and I kind of want to be able to game a bit. So I penciled in a gaming time on five out of seven days. There might be more adjustments depending on what goes on with certain things with friends but we will see. I'm hoping to be playing Dungeons & Dragons with some friends soon, but we will see. One of those times when you say there is not enough hours in the day and you have to make sacrifices sometimes.

    But today we are talking about where I spend a lot of time as I was growing up the library. I was always at home among books and always happy to help shelve them. It opened me up to some new books that way. It was also in the library that I learned a lot from the Encyclopedia CD-ROM that I would spend tons of time exploring. For those too young to know what that was it was the prototype for the internet in some ways. You could search almost anything on it. It was amazing to me after having only used the computer for writing and Number Munchers.

    But before any of that I remember the children's section at Baxter Library in Gorham. It had a cozy little area for kids to play and read. And then through a doorway into another room were the bookshelves of books for kids to choose from. They had a lot more selection for kids than adults back then, but it has gotten bigger since I was a kid. As a kid I would go there for story time and then spend as much time as I could reading before I had to choose books to take home with me. I always had them back on time too. But this was before I got into school.

    At Narragansett Elementary School we had story time in our classrooms mostly. But we still got to go to the library to pick out books and learn how to use it. I learned to try and spend as much time as I could there. It saved me from having to go outside and get picked on at recess. I found books on almost everything. And quickly picked up reading. It was like second nature to me. Though to be honest with a mom who is a bookworm the odds were in my favor.

    At Village Elementary I made friends with the librarian and had discussions on all sorts of topics. Along the using the computer a lot. I put books away for her and learned the Dewey Decimal System before my peers had the chance to. I devoured books left and right from the library but a lot of times I was reading more advanced stuff than the library had available for me so I had to go out and buy it. Which was fine by me. Though they did have some stuff I was looking for at the time now and then.

    I didn't use the school library much in Portland I always preferred the Portland Public Library System and would go to their Reiche School Branch in the West End. Sadly it is closed now. But the librarians were always so friendly. Much more friendly than I remember our school librarian being. They didn't have much in their small branch but they would always order from the other branches for you. It was always a relaxing atmosphere. In high school I would go here a lot for the internet. It helped that they stayed open late on certain nights. And were always willing to help.

    In Gorham is where I discovered the internet in the Gorham High Library. It's also where I got my friend email pen pal, Lacey, who was a good friend from Montana. I still wonder every now and then what happened to her. Like all the previous libraries on this list I happily helped put books away when I was in the library after school or before school. It was my home away from home. It helped me feel alive and not so lone and isolated like I did at home. My friends liked going there too which was cool.

    Now as an adult I don't check many books out but I do still enjoy going to the library from time to time. Especially since they renovated Portland Public Library the main branch I mean. It is much more open and bright. You can more easily sit at a table and work on something on your own computer. Which is nice some days. Sometimes it is just nice to have a change of scenery and sit down and read someplace different. They have time limits on seating areas but are not rude about it either. If I ever get caught up on my own library of reading material or have a need to I might start taking books out again. Though I do need to get a library card again. Since there are added benefits to it.

    As you can see I've seen a lot of libraries and I still hope to see more in my lifetime. But they have been my haven when I needed them to be and helped me through many difficult times. Why not go to your local library today if you have the time. I'm sure you will find something good there or at least a nice place to sit and read or work on some writing or a project you are doing. Let me know what your local library is like in the comments below. For now I need a snack. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading to raid the cupboards.*

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