Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Memorial Day 2015

    Happy Monday and more importantly Happy Memorial Day. I was planning to do a book review today but in light of the holiday it seemed more important to remember the troops who have fought for us and continue to fight for us. I'm not a bit proponent of war by any means, but I do support the troops. I support them because they didn't ask to be there but they are there fighting and dying for us.

    When I was growing up I remember the first Gulf War. I remember sending off a letter to a soldier in the field along with the rest of my class. I remember watching it unfold on the news at night certain we would win. Marveling at all the new technology I had never seen before. New things showing up on the news and in books all the time before my eyes was just so amazing, but all through it I kept supporting the troops and hoping for their safe return.

    Even through these last two wars I have been supporting the troops whether I agreed or disagreed with the war they were going into I supported the troops. I admit I didn't agree with the Iraq war but I still supported the troops. Like I said above they didn't ask to be send thousands of miles from home. They just got their orders and had to ship out. But they do it for all of us back home. So that we have the right to protest and say what we want for example.

    I have no issue with people protesting wars or decisions made by the government. But just don't take it out on the troops. They don't make those decisions they are just stuck following orders that they are given. They go where they are sent and do what they are told to do. It's not a democracy for them in the field, they just have orders to follow.

    So if you happen to know a soldier or sailor take the time out today to thank them for what they do. Because it insures that you have your rights every day. And they do it without a second thought to their own safety. I'll get off my soap box now. I hope you have a good Memorial Day and I am going to go make dinner now. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

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