Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday Reflections: Projecting My Plans For The Week Ahead

    As I'm sipping my coffee today I'm thinking of how to start this week off and finish it off at the same time. I don't have school work to worry about this week so that is one less thing I have to do this week coming up. So it gives me time to try out a new schedule for studying without consequences as well as getting other things done. I'm pumped up today having slept really well and had good eating. I'm going to try to continue that going forward as well.

    To get off on the right foot I have to finish off the week with a new schedule in place to help me excel with the time I have in each day. I have a few ideas to help me do better where I'm weak. I'm planning to schedule in an exercise time along with a blogging time and 3 meal times. Plus I'm going to put in more studying time and writing time. Plus change my med time so that I can cool down for the night with reading as well. I'll put in cleaning times for the monthly chores that have to get done geared more towards day time. And my meetings will be included in that new schedule as well.

    My next step will be forcing myself to follow through with that schedule. And if I'm finding something not working I will change it right away. And if I find something working very well I will try to emulate it in other areas of my schedule. I'm going to have to push myself some days when I have little energy. Forcing myself to function when I just don't want to function at all. I know I can do it because I have before. I'm going to get this schedule right to finish out the year while taking one class at a time and then I'm going to try taking two classes at a time once more. I honestly don't know if I can do it, but I'm going to try my best to.

    I'm also going to cut back on the number of books I'm reading at one time. I need to do this so I get more done in other areas of my life and so that I can get all my reading done every month. Plus it will allow me to focus more on each book I read. This is another area that will take discipline since there are always a ton of books I want to read. But I will manage. Since after all it's not like I won't read them at all I just have to wait for a little while to read them. Trust me it sounds easier than it will be for me.

    This week I also plan to complete as much of the National Society For Leadership And Success work for induction as I can as well. Basically I just have to watch 3 videos and if possible have another SNT meeting. I think I can do that in the week I have off. I think it will actually inspire me on some of the projects I've been working on as well. Plus it will help me get organized. Something I've been trying to do for a while now.

    There is more but I really have to get to work on my schedule revamping, but feel free to leave comments/questions down below. And enjoy your Sunday as best as you can. And I hope you enjoyed seeing what I have planned for my week off. I'll leave the blog entries to be a surprise. *Tips his hat and walks out the door looking for his calender.*

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