Thursday, May 21, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Jeopardy

    I'm a little late today I know, but I was watching the last episode of Late Night With David Letterman. There have been a lot of historic moments in television this week. One of which is the 7,000th episode of Jeopardy. Which got me thinking about my childhood at my grandparents' house. I know I mentioned it in a class I took fairly recently, but not sure if I mentioned it here or not. Anyways the tradition there used to be eat dinner at 5:30 PM then gather around the television for the news and then Wheel Of Fortune followed by Jeopardy.

    Then when I got out on my own I still made it a point to watch Jeopardy, even when I was married. We would play against each other on who would get the right answer. Then wager an amount on Final Jeopardy on who had the right answer to it. I have gotten out of the habit in recent years and find I miss it. I have to start watching it again. Even if I'm playing against myself.

    It was always nice sitting around the television as a family and watching Jeopardy. I would be constantly asked if I knew the answers. Especially during the kids tournaments. As I grew older I found I knew more and more of the adult answers as I read more and more books and magazines. I'm a sponge for knowledge after all and soak it up naturally. But I not only got answers right but learned from answers I got wrong. I also found things to study as I watched the show as well.

    With the age of the internet I found things I wanted to know more about from just watching the show so I would scribble down notes of things to look up online after the show or the next day online. It has led to some interesting lines of study and maybe one day a paper of sort for college. It is why I keep notes on what I find on Jeopardy topics.

    I don't see an end for Jeopardy in my lifetime. At least I hope not since it is such a wonderful show. And I hope you enjoyed my walk down memory lane with it. For now I need to get some coffee into me. Yes you heard me right I wrote today's column with no coffee in me. *Tips hat and walks out the door to get coffee.*

1 comment:

  1. I loved this one Chris! I also saw the last David Letterman. I used to watch Jeopardy too. Seems like you have goo memories with your loved ones.
