Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Reflection On Me Being Sick (I Know A Common Theme Lately)

    Coffee is brewing and I'm starting to feel better. I know I haven't posted for a couple of days now and I apologize for that. Just been going through a rough time with this virus I caught. That is what doctors have diagnosed it has. Some sort of cold like virus. And I know me being suck has been a common theme lately, but since I seem to be coming out of it now I wanted to reflect on it while it was still fresh on my mind. We tend to forget how we are when we are sick after it is over with after all.

    I notice now that the first sign of me being sick is extra sleep and not just a little but a ton of extra sleep. Like many hours of it. Even days sometimes, which is when you all stop hearing from me for a while. And I can be very cranky and testy when sick though I try not to be. But when you feel like crap it hard not to. Nine times out of ten I have a hard time breathing since I'm so used to breathing through my nose. And my body gets sore in its own way trying to tell me to just relax and let it take over. I'm not very good at doing that. I like to be up and doing stuff, so my body has to knock me out nine times out of ten. Which usually me behind on everything.

    But once the sickness starts to pass I start having energy again as long as I don't overdo it. Which means for the most part I can do most of my regular stuff, but still no going out to the movies or anything like that till I am fully better. But it means I should be able to get back to following my schedule once more for the most part. Which means I will be catching up on school work fast and other projects as well. Though I'm putting exercising on hold for a week till I'm a little more recovered. And the blogs should be coming regularly for the rest of the week I think. I also have to change my original plan for Thursday's column after hearing some news about a show this week. You'll have to be there to find out what it is exactly.

    I hope you didn't mind me reflecting on me being sick too much, but I wanted to gather some insights while they were still fresh to gather. And the best way I know to do that is to write them out. So you get the benefit of seeing how I think. Coffee should be ready by now and I could really use a cigarette after being asleep so long last night. *Tips his hat and walks out the door lighting up a cigarette.*

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