Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Monday Review: Dying By The Hour

    I know I'm a bit late for me today, but I woke up late getting a late start to the day. But the day is going pretty well so far. I'm catching up to my schedule slowly but surely. And feeling good about it. Dinner will be late for tonight but not tomorrow. And my book club doesn't mind me eating during it, which is good. But today is a book review day so I won't ramble on too much.

    Today we are reviewing Dying By The Hour by Kory M. Shrum the 2nd book in The Jesse Sullivan Series. It took me a while to read only because I was reading several other books at the same time. But this book is a real page turner. It heats up slowly but wants it does it is almost impossible to put down. Kory Shrum does an excellent job continuing the series in this book bringing in another perspective in it.

    She made sure to put a little bit of time between the last book and this one to let the characters grow a bit between books. And made them grow more in this book. There are parts that make you smile, make you laugh, and even make you cry in it. It is an emotional rollercoaster of a novel. You never quite know what is going to happen next. And just when you think you do, there is a swerve. It really keeps you on your toes as you read it.

    The setting is diversified from what we had in the first novel. Taking us all over the country. We learn more about how far the enemy's reach extends in this book. Plus the plot of the book helps move forward the Meta plot of the series as well. Showing us much more of what Caldwell is truly after though still leaving much shrouded in mystery. There is still much to come I predict and I look forward to it.

    Kory Shrum did an excellent job with this sequel. To sum it up as best as I can she made the characters, the setting, and the plot grow at an astounding rate. While at the same time introducing us to new characters. So with all that in mind I'm giving this book 5 stars out of 5 stars.

    I hope you enjoyed my review today, and I'm sorry it is so late I got caught up in a few things along the way. Tomorrow's entry should be more on time and will be an essay. Also next week will be the third review of at least three hopefully four reviews in a row. For now I'm off to get some more coffee. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the coffee pot.*

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