Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday Insights: The Influence Of Five

            Good evening, I slept late again really have to break myself of that habit. But feeling good, especially since getting my first cup of coffee into me a bit. Even if for some reason I first thought it was Thursday when I woke up, weird.  Or wishful thinking. Since then I would have a better idea of what my grade is in the class I’m taking. I’ll admit I got a little behind cause of my illness earlier in the month, but I got caught up quickly. Now just waiting on grades from that and last week. But enough of my ramblings today we are back to essays. And we have an interesting one for this week. It focuses on the influence of the five people you hang out with most on you.  So without further ado on with the show.

The Influence Of Five
            I’ll start off with disagreeing with Jim Rohn’s statement that I am the average of the five people I spend the most time with. I agree that they influence me, but I am not the average of them. I am my own person, although I am influenced by many things throughout life. For each person this can be both good and bad depending on the people you choose to associate with. So it is important to choose wisely. You can be propelled up to the highest highs or dragged down to the lowest places you never could have dreamed of before. But before I can turn the mirror on the rest of the world I have to turn it on myself and look at who influences me.
            First there is Tim who is around me almost all the time and does a lot for me. He is constantly encouraging me to do better and try harder. Always encouraging me to get out and get fresh air. As well as to exercise. Always showing me new music and new movies as well to help diverse my tastes in culture. He makes sure I don’t fall through the cracks and stay stable. He has been an anchor in my life as my street brother for 15 years now. And I try to make sure he knows I appreciate everything he does for me.
            Then there is Jeni who brings out the passion for learning in me. And helps me not be too hard on myself. She also brings out the nerd in me. She reinforces me being me with positive reinforcement. Along with telling it to me like it is. She gets on my case when it needs getting on. She is there for me to talk to when I am down as often as she can be. Even when I am at my lowest she can get me to laugh. Especially when she is drinking Diet Coke.
            Complimenting her is Sylvia who always gives me an honest answer to everything. She is there every day to talk to. Always asking how I’m doing and giving me advice when I need it. Even when she is having a busy day. Always willing to lend a hand if I get in trouble. She makes sure I have everything I need every month along with Jeni. Both of them would help if need be so I try to make sure I keep everything in order as best as I can so they don’t need to.
            Which leads to my mom who is always there when I need a ride someplace. Or need to get out of the city for a while. Or need just about anything. I turn to her foremost when things go wrong. She usually has good advice for me to follow. Granted we clash at times but a good healthy argument is good for both of our mental stimulation and helps us feel better afterwards. But those are few and far between. For the most part we stay calm and cool when dealing with each other.
            I also have my future step mother Pam to talk to and help me out with things around the house. She is pretty good at finding things I need that my mother can’t find. She also is street wise and knows what to look out for. She is another one who tells it like it is without sugar coating it as well. She has been a big help in getting me and my dad back to working on our relationship as well. And she is good at acting as a go between when me and my father can’t connect since he works so much.
            And I know the prompt says 5 but I cannot leave out the light of my life Cassy. She encourages me every day.  Since she has walked into my life I have constantly wanted to work hard to impress her. As well as win her over. She makes me melt. She calms me when I am angry as a bear and comforts me when I am down in the dumps. Her hugs light up my whole world. Just talking to her everyday makes my whole day better. I swear I get all smiles when she calls in a way that you can hear in my voice.
            But still breaking the rules there is one above them all that drives and influences my actions and that is my son, Aedan. I may not have custody of him or get to see him. But I think about him every day. With every action I take I wonder will this make him proud of his old man. It weighs heavily on my conscience. I want him to be proud of me when he finally gets to see me after all these years. Be proud to call me his dad.
            So there you see all the people that influence me and some of them will probably be surprised. But they have a great impact on my life and there are more to list if I had wanted to keep going but this is going long already. To those I missed I thank you for what you do for me and I am sorry you were not included here. And to conclude I say no one is the average of who they hang out with most they are what they put into themselves.
            I hope you enjoyed looking at my inner circle today, at least some of them. For now I need more coffee. So have a great Tuesday. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the coffee brewer.*