Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sunday Reflections: Changes Coming To The Sunday Column

    I figured I would start early on the column since I can't sleep as far as when it gets posted that may differ, but I'm starting on it at 4 AM in the morning. Not sure why I can't sleep just one of those sleepless nights. But I will get sleep eventually. Just means I will have to jump into my schedule at some weird point in the day possibly from where I would normally. But the schedule has been going well overall.

    But since it is going well it means the blog posts are going to be a regular thing every day so I have to think of a theme for Sundays. So I was thinking about that yesterday after I had posted my blog entry for the day. And I've been increasing my spiritual studies a lot lately. Both in reading and thinking. So I was thinking I could do a column on Sundays on that.

    Nothing preachy just me expressing my thoughts that I am thinking. Then inviting you to give feedback on what I write. Then the following week I would respond in my column and add additional thoughts from what I had read and thought about that week. It would be like a long term discussion about spirituality. I hope most of you are open to that because I don't want to alienate anyone from here. I want everyone to feel welcome and free to express themselves here.

    As enter the next week Monday will bring another book review the second of possibly four in a row. Tuesday will bring another essay, the topic of which I'm still trying to decide on. Wednesday as we enter the library we will discuss National Geographic Magazine. Thursday we will be looking at structure in my life growing up. Friday I will be presenting another story though not sure what yet. Saturday will be up in the air though I think part of it will be discussing my first week of the new term. Sunday could possibly be the first of the new spirituality column depending on how the idea is received by all of you.

    Please do leave comments letting me know what you think of my idea for changing the Sunday column. I welcome all of your feedback. It helps me know when I might be going in a direction that would make my audience that being you all feel alienated. And that I want to avoid greatly. For now I'm going to try and get some sleep since it has been a long night. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for his bed.*

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